Imposter 2 - Dan x Mischief

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I needed a new side so I made one up :P


A few years had passed since Patton was kidnapped, none of the sides including Dan hasn't had any trouble from the imagination so most of them forgot that it ever happened. Dan being the only reminder.

They were all lounging around in the living room, Dan cuddled into Virgils side. All the sides thought of him as a little brother and Dan loved it, he never had a brother when he lived in the imagination.

Out of know where a black smoke appeared from the ground, twirling around like it was a tornado.

"Logan! What's that?" Virgil asked worried, wrapping an arm around Dan for protection.

"A new side" Logan replied, confused. They all watched as the black smoke twirled around faster and faster before fading completely, leaving a being in its place.

It was a new side, but he looked...different, instead of having brown hair like Thomas and the others his hair was jet black, he also looked a bit taller. The side opened his eyes which were a darker brown to the others and scanned the room, looking at each side.

Roman was the first to greet him, standing in front of him he gave him a welcoming smile.

"Greetings new side, I'm Prince" the side slowly smirked, shaking his hand with Princes.

"Creativity, huh?" He asked, his voice deeper then Thomas's. "you look very gay in that outfit"

Roman held a hand over his heart, drawing his eyebrows together. "I don't know if I should be offended or pleased"

The side rolled his eyes and turned to face Virgil and Dan. "Anxiety?" He asked Virgil, he nodded and the side smirked widened.

"I like you - and only you, the others are too...much" The side shrugged, then looked at Dan.

"And who's this?"

"That's Dan!" Patton smiled, ignoring that the new side said he didn't like him and the others.

"He doesn't look like us, why?"

"He is from the imagination" Logan replied, Prince still looked at the side, offended that he didn't like him.

"He's cute" the side winked and Dan blushed.

"I got some rules for all of you" he turned to he others, "do not summon me, do not disturb me and do not ask to become friends, I don't do friends" he explained.

"Apart from you two" he looked at Dan and Virgil, "but only Dan can come into my room" winking again the side vanished, presumably to his room.

"Who was that, Lo?" Patton asked.

"Unfortunately, that was Mischief" Logan replied, sighing.

"Mischief?" Dan asked, his voice soft.

"Thomas must have done something mischievous, maybe to his friends" Logan explained.

They went back to doing what they were doing prior, deciding to wait to see if Mischief wanted to hang out with them or not.

Weeks had passed and the sides noticed Mischief had not left his room, they told Thomas of his existence but Thomas could not summon him, neither could anyone else so they left him.

Dan, on the other hand, wanted to see him. He walked down the long hallway until he stopped outside of a room with a dark black door, Dan raised his hand and knocked on the wood gently.

"Come in, if you dare" Dan heard Mischiefs voice call, he opened the door and took a step in.

Before he realised what was happening a bucket full of water fell on him and he yelped, pushing the bucket off of his head and shaking from the cold water.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting you. Here" Mischief handed him a towel and he wrapped it around himself, Mischief brushed Dans hair from his face, smirking.

"Why are you here, little one?"

"I-I wanted to see if you were okay" Dan whispered, blushing. Mischief tilted Dans head up and leaned close, his breath fanning Dans cheeks, turning them a darker shade.

"Speak up, little one"

"Uh..." Dan trembled, "it's stupid, it doesn't matter" he mumbled, holding the towel tighter.

"Little one" Mischief smirked, slowly wrapping one of his arms around the lower part of his back.

"It matters - why are you here?" He pressed.

Dans face burned in embarrassment and he nibbled his lip, Mischief pressed the pad of his thumb on his lip and pulled it down, out of his teeth.

"Don't do that, bad habit. Now, why are you here?"

"To make sure you were okay" he finally blurted, biting his lip but letting it go a few seconds later.

Mischief hummed, "how sweet, little one" he whispered, his face still close. Dan chewed his lip again and this time Mischief used his own teeth to gently tug the dark red lip away from his teeth. Dans breath hitched as he did so, staring directly into Mischief dark brown eyes.

"Dry off and come back, little one" Dan nodded and he left Mischiefs room, running to his own to change his wet clothes for drier ones. He dried his hair and dashed back to Mischiefs room. He didn't know why he wanted to get there so quickly.

Opening the door slowly he looked around the darkish room, walking in and closing it behind him. He yelped when two arms wrapped around him from behind, calming down when he realised it was Mischief.

"That didn't take you long" Mischief mumbled, Dan felt his lips press ever so lightly to the side of his face, gliding down to his neck where he felt Mischief kiss it lightly.

He went back up and bit his earlobe gently, tugging it and making Dan gasp quietly, leaning further back to Mischief.

"Eager, aren't we?" Mischief mused, Dan blushed and hid his face in his hands, Mischief chuckled lowly and brought Dan to his bed.

"As much as I'd like to taste every inch of your body, little one, before you arrived I was sleeping" Mischief mumbled and Dan shivered at his words.

"So, cuddle with me or leave" Mischief stated simply, laying in his bed. Dan looked at the door and back to Mischief, of course he was going to choose to cuddle.

Laying under the covers Mischief rolled him over so his back was to his chest and pulled him closer, efficiency spooning him while drawing shapes gently into his stomach.

"Goodnight, little one" Mischief whispered.

"Goodnight" Dan whispered back, closing his eyes and falling asleep in his arms.


Hehe, I liked that

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