Feeling Down - Logan x Patton

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Recently Logan has been feeling pretty down, he doesn't join in on group discussions, he doesn't talk as much in Thomas's videos and spends as much time as he could in his room.

He knows it's stupid but sometimes he feels that he's annoying, especially when he corrects the traits and uses words that they didn't even know existed. He started to think he was only useful when someone wanted to know something.

"It is the only thing I can do right" he mumbled to himself, "I do not know anything to do with emotions, I do not know how to comfort someone if they are upset...maybe I am just an idiot?" He brushed that thought to the side quickly, he was the smartest trait, he was logic!

He's not an idiot, he's just the least popular trait that so happens to be the smartest.

Sighing Logan went back to work, to try and get his mind off of such depressing thoughts.

One day during one of Thomas's videos Patton looked at where Logan would usually stand and noticed he wasn't there. "Where's Logan?" He asked, looking at the others.

It seemed that they only realised he wasn't there when Patton said. Thomas summoned him and Logan fixed his tie, staring at each of them individually.

"Do you need anything?" He inquired

"Yeah...we need you for the video" Thomas said, motioning to the camera.

"For what? The only thing that I am good for is facts and information, something you usually do not need in videos" he straightened his tie, "besides I'm sure Roman and Virgils arguments can source good enough entertainment"

With that, he left, leaving the others speechless.

"Since when did he become so..." Roman looked at Virgil, "like you"

Virgil glared at him, "I don't know, maybe ever since you told him he's only good for information?"

Roman gasped, "I did no such thing! I said he's not good at anything else but knowing things"

"Was that meant to defend you?" Virgil asked, giving him a look.

Patton didn't even pay attention to Virgils and Romans exchange, all he could think about was Logan. Since when did he start thinking that? He disappeared when no one was looking to go talk to Logan.

Logan had gone back to his work, jumping slightly when a hand rested on his shoulder. He was expecting Patton to follow him, Patton doesn't let anyone leave if they're feeling bad.

"Greetings Patton, what can I help you with?"

"You can help me by telling me what that was back there" Patton softly replied, Logan sighed and stood up from his seat so he was eye level with the very worried Patton.

"It was the truth, if you have not  noticed Thomas's fans prefer Roman, Virgil and you, I am not entertaining nor am I as emotional, I think it is best if I appear in less videos" Logan bluntly said, what made it worse was his voice held no hurt, it was emotionless, like what he was going through was normal to him.

"Logan don't think like that, Thomas's fans love you just as much as they love us, you're entertaining and lots of people find your facts interesting, and when you go off in tangents, it's adorable" Patton smiled.

"Yes but..." Logan couldn't think of a logical argument against that so he sighed, "you really think that?"

"Yes! Of course I do Logan! You may not be as dramatic as Prince, or as depressingly relatable as Virgil, but that's a good thing, you're unique! In your own special way" Patton tapped Logan's nose, grinning.

"Thank you, Patton...I didn't realise that's what I needed to hear"

"Everyone needs words of encouragement every now and again, and I will give them to you every time you feel down! Just come to me, okay?" Logan nodded and smiled at Patton who was beaming.

"I will give you encouragement as well, if that is what you need sometimes. I may not be the best but I will try, for you" Pattons smile somehow widened and he hugged Logan tightly.

Leaning back Patton pecked his cheek, "come on! To the video before Roman and Virgil start a civil war"

Logan blushed slightly but agreed and appeared back in the video. No surprise, Roman and Virgil were still arguing while Thomas was trying to shut them up.

"Arguing will only make the situation worse" Logan stated, they both looked at him. "Work through your problems calmly, both telling the other what is wrong, then maybe you'll actually find the solution"

Patton grinned, giving him two thumbs up.

Logan smiled back, knowing that if he ever felt sad again he just needed to go to Patton.

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