School Beatings - Patton x Logan

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Trigger warning: Physical attacks, bullies

This is the first time not writing the sides as the personalities! WoOoOoOoOoAaAaAaAaHhHhHhHh


Patton loved school, he loved every lesson, he loved his friends, he loved the teachers, he loved learning.

What he didn't love and in fact hated, was his bully. Roman.

Everyday Roman and his friends deemed it necessary to beat the lovable, happy go lucky boy for no reason other then for their own entertainment. Patton became more and more wary of his surroundings, flinching at loud noises thinking it was Roman and not letting people touch him.

One day Patton had come in late by accident and he basically ran to get to his class. Suddenly he tripped over something and fell flat onto the floor, whimpering quietly at the pain. He heard laughing and he froze, knowing exactly who it was.

"Trying to run from us?" Roman taunted, Patton tried to grab his things and scramble away but Roman picked him up by the back of his shirt and slammed him against the locker, Pattons vision went blurry for a few seconds but focused on Romans face.

"Bin his crap" Roman told his friends, they obeyed him and Patton helplessly watched as Romans friends grabbed all his books and papers, ripping a few before putting it in the bin. "Roman...please" Patton begged, staring at Roman with pleading eyes.

Roman smirked and leaned in closer, his breath fanning Pattons face. "Don't talk to me, you weak, pathetic baby" Roman punched Patton in the gut and dropped him to the floor, he and his friends left while laughing.

Patton curled his arms around his stomach, closing his eyes at the pain. He slowly got up and dug around in the bin, getting all of his stuff and slowly putting it in his bag while crying quietly. The lesson was almost over so he decided to go straight to second and try to forget what Roman did.

It happened again, the next day Patton left class to go to the toilet, low and behold Roman was already in there with his friends. Patton tried to get away but romans friends grabbed him, pulling him back in. Patton desperately tried to get away, and started to scream but his mouth was covered by Romans rough hand.

"You should learn that running never works" Roman sneered, letting his friends drag a screaming and squirming Patton to the toilets. Dunking his head in the rancid water a few times before leaving him on the floor.

Patton curled himself into a ball and cried. How he hated Roman and his stupid friends.

One day Patton was cautiously walking down an empty hallway, for the past few days he has been able to keep away from Roman by hiding in the crowds. Today though, was his unlucky day.

He walked by an old classroom and yelped in fear when someone grabbed him and pulled him in. It was Roman, luckily his friends weren't there with him.

"Why have you been hiding from me?" Roman growled, pinning him against the wall. Patton instantly began to shake in fear and Roman laughed.

"You baby! Look at you, it's like you've seen a ghost" Roman smirked, grabbing a fist full of Pattons hair and pulling it, hard. Patton cried out and tried to push him away but it made Roman angry, Roman mercilessly began to hit Patton over and over again, leaving dark red and purple marks.

Another student was walking down the hallway, Logan. He was a nerd with perfect grades and few friends, his closest friend was Patton, coincidentally Logan's crush. He heard screams of pain coming from a room close by and he froze, his eyes widening.

Was that...Patton?

Logan rushed in and his heart stopped when he saw Patton getting punched by the jock of the school who he couldn't remember the name of at the moment.

Logan ran over and yanked Roman away, pushing him to the ground and helping Patton stand up straight. Logan noticed right away his glasses were on the floor, broken and a few bruises already forming on his face.

"Oh, look" Roman sneered, jumping up. "The nerd"

"Look, I do not know your name but trust me. Lay another finger on Patton and I will personally make the rest of your high school life a living hell" Logan seethed, glaring at him darkly.

Roman laughed at his threat, "you? C'mon" Roman shook his head but left the classroom anyway, he had done enough to Patton for one day.

Once he was gone Logan checked Patton over, sighing in relief when he noticed none of the hits were to serious. He gently sat Patton onto a table, looking into his eyes.

"Are you okay? I hope he didn't hurt you to much"

"No...-I'm fine" Patton whispered, smiling weakly. Logan hugged him softly, Patton hugged back and thanked him.

"Do not thank me...I wish I did something about him sooner"

"No Logan, it's okay" Patton smiled.

"No it is not, Patton. I knew something was up and I-"

Patton didn't know any other way of shutting Logan up without being mean other then to kiss him. Logan froze, his eyes wide open.

Patton. The Patton. Was. Kissing. Him

Logan let his eyes fall shut and he kissed back, holding him close but gently so he didn't hurt him.

"Don't worry about Roman, okay? I will sort that halfwit out" Logan mumbled, pulling back.

Patton smiled and kissed him again, hugging him tightly. As long as Logan was with him he didn't care how many times he got beat up.


So, I tried 😂

Hope you liked it! ( ◠‿◠ )

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