Treehouse - Virgil x Roman

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"Roman! Put your sword away!"

"I can hear noises! What if a deadly animal comes out of the bushes?!"

"In Florida!?"

"Hey look! Bunnies!"

"Stop moving from the path!"

Virgil sighed for what felt like the millionth time since he and the others had entered the woods. Thomas thought it would be a good idea to have a long walk but he obviously forgot Virgil didn't like walking long distances, Roman would take out his sword with the slightest of movements in the bushes, Patton would stop and stare at everything while Logan would keep shouting at everyone to stay on the path and not get lost. 

Just as Virgil was about to give up on all hope he spotted a treehouse not to far away, he held back as the others went ahead and he snuck off to see what it was like.

The treehouse was a decent size, with an easy ladder to climb. He glanced over his shoulder to see them still heading on down the path but at a rate that a dead snail would over take them. Turning to the treehouse he climbed the ladder, forcing himself to not look down.

Pushing open the door his eyes wandered through the average size room, it had sheets with faint dried paint splattered everywhere, paint brushes and pots scattered across the floor, a desk on its side and a bit of vegetation.

Must be abandoned, Virgil thought, picking up the desk and setting it in the corner. He looked at the walls and saw a carving in the wood.

Chad & Joseph

It had a heart around it, Virgil traced his fingers against the wood and wondered who those two people were.

"VIRGIL!?! WE LOST VIRGIL!" Virgil heard Patton shriek, he chuckled once he heard the others shouting his name. Walking out of the treehouse he descended the ladder and slowly wandered back to the others.

"Found him!" Roman rushed to Virgil, checking him over. "Where you hurt? Did someone kidnap you? Was it the beast in the bushes!?!"

Virgil gave him a deadpan look, "I explored" he explained once the others came over.

"Explored? What have I told you about staying on the path!" Logan scolded. Virgil rolled his eyes, groaning quietly.

"I saw a treehouse-"

"A treehouse!?" Patton exclaimed excitedly, standing in front of Virgil and grinning widely.

"Where is it? Can I see it? Is it big? Can you get into it? Oh! Does it have stuff inside of it? Is it abandoned?!"

Virgil took a few steps back from the overly enthusiastic trait, pointing his hand in the direction of the house. Patton squealed and raced off towards it, Logan shouted to stay on the path but when the others made their way over Logan sighed, irritated and slowly followed.

"It's so cool!" They heard Patton shout from inside. "It looks old and unsafe" Logan crossed his arms, glaring up at it.

"Who's not up for a little danger?" Roman grinned, finally putting his sword away and climbing in. Thomas followed and so did Virgil, leaving Logan on the ground, still glaring.

"Come on, Lo!" Patton called, sticking his head out of the glassless window.

"No, too much weight could make it collapse" Logan stated.

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