One Week - Logan x Patton

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Trigger warning: death

Patton" Logan smiled, sitting the side down. "We have been in a romantic relationship for two years and tomorrow is our three year anniversary"

"I know! I'm so excited! I love you!" Patton exclaimed, throwing his arms around Logan's neck and pulling him into a kiss. Logan smiled and pulled back, staring into his brown eyes.

"For our three year anniversary I have decided I will make the week the best week you have ever had" Logan said, their anniversary being on a Monday so it worked out perfectly.

Patton gasped, "really?! Awe! I can't wait, Logy Bear!"

Logan smiled, kissing him shortly. "Neither can I, Love"

The next day came by fast, Logan was wearing a formal outfit with a bouquet of roses in his hand.

"You'll do great" Roman smiled, tearing up. "Sorry I am just...emotional" he whispered, fanning his face.

"So am I, I hope this works out well"

"It will, don't worry, that's my job" Virgil said, straightening out his tie. "Go get him" Virgil smiled. Logan nodded and thanked the two for helping him before heading to Pattons room.

"I have never seen someone more in love" Roman whispered, wiping away tears.

Virgil nudged him in the ribs, "baby"

"You cannot blame me!"

"No...I can't"

Logan knocked on Pattons door and it opened so fast it was like Patton was already waiting on the other side. "Awe! Roses!" Patton grinned, Logan handed him the flowers and he smelled them with a wide smile.

"Happy anniversary, Patton" Logan said, Patton hugged him. "Happy anniversary too you to Logan!"

Logan and Patton appeared in the real world, telling Thomas they were leaving.

"Have fun you two!" Thomas smiled.

"We will!" Patton replied, leaving the house. "Good luck" Thomas added, giving Logan a short hug.

Logan nodded and left to go find Patton.

"I didn't know Thomas had this car?" He questioned, looking at a pick up truck in the drive way.

Logan smiled and opened the door for him, "I rented it for may be a bit cliché but haven't you always wanted to do this?" Patton instantly knew what he was talking about, gave him a quick hug and got in.

Logan drove for quite awhile, the sun setting at exactly the right time. Smiling, Logan parked the truck on the top of a cliff, leaving enough distance from the edge.

"This is so sweet!" Patton giggled, Logan kissed the back of his hand, he learned every romantic trick in the book from Roman for months before this for this week specifically.

Patton blushed and Logan opened his door for him, the sun nearly gone over the horizon.

"I love you" Logan told him, Patton smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you too!"

Logan pulled off the cover which was over the back, showing off tuns of blankets and cushions for them to lie on. "Oh my gosh, this is perfect! You're the best boyfriend ever!" Patton cupped his cheeks and kissed him.

"No I am not. No one can beat you" Logan replied, Patton smiled bashfully and let Logan help him in. He kicked off his shoes and buried himself under the blankets, poking his head out and grinning at Logan who put Pattons favourite snacks in the middle.

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