Roman Is Amazing - Roman x Thomas x Logan x Virgil x Patton

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Roman woke up early that day and instantly made himself look presentable before making breakfast for the other sides including Thomas. He placed the food on the table and vanished when he heard voices coming down the hallway.

Patton and Logan walked in, looking at the food. "Who made this?" Logan questioned, sitting at the table.

"I didn't, and Virgil is still asleep, awe Roman!" Patton smiled, looking around but he couldn't see the fanciful side, shrugging he ate the food on one of the plates with Logan.

After they finished and left the kitchen Roman reappeared and cleaned everything up, placing Virgils and Thomas's plate by the microwave with a little note beside it.

For Virgil & Thomas, hope you enjoy, Dearest & Bunny xoxo

Roman smiled and cleaned the living room as no one else was there before going back to his room. Later that same day Roman went to the imagination to get gifts for them all, a flower that changed colour for Patton, a book full of facts and interesting stuff Logan doesn't know that never ends for Logan.

A large teddy a bit smaller than an average human and if you cuddle it you instantly calm down, say from a panic attack, for Virgil. (The teddy is magic) and a fully functioning wand for Thomas, like ones for Harry Potter, but they could only be used in his mind.

He left the gifts outside of their rooms with small notes, each said that he loved them very much and he hopes they like the gifts.

He then made lunch, doing the same thing he did at breakfast, lay the food out and leave before the others arrived.

They all appreciated what he was doing, but none of them knew why he was doing it. He hadn't done something wrong, it was just an act of kindness because Roman is kind and amazing and maybe a bit egotistical but when he calls himself good looking he is complimenting all of them. So ha.

He then went to Pattons room. "Hey Roman! Thank you for-hmph!" He exclaimed when Roman pulled him into a tight hug, holding him above the ground.

"I love you" he said with a smile, leaning back and kissing his lips. Dropping him gently to the floor he went to Logan's room. Patton smiled, "awe, I love you too!" He called

He did the same thing to Logan who didn't know what to do so stayed still as Roman hugged him, told him his feelings, kissed him and left.

Then he went to Virgil and Thomas, doing the same thing. He doesn't know why but he he needed to do this today. He is a good boyfriend, don't get me wrong, and the sides including Thomas would agree, but he wants to be better than the best.

That night he brought cushions and blankets to the living room, they all had a movie night and once everyone was asleep Roman took them to their rooms, letting Virgil cuddle the teddy. He pressed a kiss to each of their foreheads and whispered he loved them all one more time before going to his room and falling asleep.


Just because Roman gets soooooooo much love 🙃

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