Types Of Drunks - No Ship

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Trigger warning: drunk behaviour

The amount of drunk one shots I've done

Love it haha


The sides including Thomas all knew what they were like drunk, they knew Roman for getting very sleepy very fast and napping everywhere, Virgil got extremely angry and had to go into a different room before he would kill anyone.

Patton acted like a child, more than he usually would, and was very immature.

The only person they didn't know what they were like drunk was Logan, he rarely even touches any type of alcohol, he hates the stuff. It was only until one night the sides managed to convince him to change his mind, somehow.

"Its taking awhile" Virgil mumbled, watching Logan down another shot.

"It usually does, dear emo" Roman replied, watching the logical side. It took a few more minutes before the alcohol took full affect and Logan instantly began to get emotional.

"Oh no" Virgil mumbled, watching Logan cry and wail, Patton watched while biting his lip, controlling his laughter.

"Paaatton!" Logan fell onto the Dad like trait and Patton burst into giggles, clutching Logan so he didn't fall.

"I'm emotion! I am an emotional wreck!" He sobbed, clinging into his top.

"aw, Logan" Patton held him on his lap and Logan leaned on him, crying into his shoulder.

"He just has a lot of bottled up emotions" Patton whispered, rubbing his back.

"Man, I thought I cried" Virgil whispered. Romans head whipped towards him and Virgil froze.

"You cried? When?! Was it recently!?"

"Uh...SPIDER!" He yelled, Roman turned his head to where he was pointing and Virgil jumped up, sprinting away.

"Virgil! I am not finished with you!" Roman cried, running after him.

Patton was still hugging Logan who was still crying, Patton whispering soothing things into his ear.

"Mmmph...I love you" Logan mumbled between sobs, Patton only smiled.

"I love you, too!"



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