Argument - Logan x Roman

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"You need to stop correcting people! It gets annoying and rather insulting after awhile!"

"I would not need to correct you if you spoke correctly!"

"Not all of us can be as smart as you, calculator watch!"

"That insult doesn't even make any sense!"

Logan and Roman were having an argument, after a video didn't go as well as they hoped for Roman blamed Logan for being a human auto correct and Logan blamed Roman because Roman wouldn't stop talking highly about himself.

It got out of hand now they were both shouting at each other, none of them stopping until they have the last word. Patton tried to help but he couldn't do much so he went to Virgil to make sure he wasn't affected badly by the shouting.

"One would think the creative side would come up with an good idea for a video!" Logan yelled angrily.

"I can't be creative all the time! I have other aspects, Logic!"

"You are Thomas's creativeness and ego - your apparent "other aspects" is one singular aspect which you can control!"

Roman scoffed, "you think I can control the ego? Do you think I want to speak so highly about myself? Well I do, I am- no! See, that wasn't me!"

"Wasn't you?" Logan sighed, "Roman, that would be like Virgil saying his Anxiety "isn't him" when it is! We are all aspects of Thomas's full personality! We do not have our own personalities! We are not human! His ego is you and you better get used to it because aside from the creativeness it is all you have!"

Roman glared at him and Logan glared back, huffing slightly. "That's not true-"

"Yes it is"

"No it's not!"

"Roman! Stop being in denial about something so stupid, you are his ego! It is you! It is all you have!"

"Do you know how that isn't true?" Logan sighed and rubbed his face. "Why, Roman? Why isn't it true?"

"What you are saying goes for all of his sides, right? I'm only his ego and creativeness, Virgil is his fears and anxiety, Patton is his deep emotions and you are just his knowledge"

"Correct" Logan adjusted his glasses.

"If you are just is knowledge, meaning that you are saying you don't have emotions, why can you cry?" Logan paused, raising his eyebrow.

"Excuse me?"

Roman laughed though it was humourless, "if you were his knowledge and knowledge only you wouldn't be able to cry! Because crying indicates emotions, something that you apparently don't have!"

Logan sighed and licked his dry lips, staring at Roman in thought. Roman was right, of course, if Logan didn't have emotions like he says how could he cry?

"Also! How can you be happy? How can you be excited? How can you be smug? You. Are. His. Knowledge, if what you are saying is correct you would basically be an all knowing robot! All of us, even if we are part of one personality, don't have to act like our personality, and you as a whole prove it" Roman crossed his arms and the two fell silent.

"Fine" Logan huffed, "I do feel emotions, especially around you!"

Roman stared at him confused, "what do you mean?"

"Whenever I am around you I can not control my heart speed, my hands get clammy, whenever you smile or laugh my stomach...feels weird, Roman! If this is what emotions are like I hate them!"

Roman slowly smirked and Logan stared at him angrily. "What?"

"Your heart picks up around me?"


"Your hands get clammy?"


"And your stomach feels weird, almost like there are butterflies in it?"

"I suppose you can say that, yes"

Romans smirk only widened and Logan was getting impatient. "What does it mean?"

"You like me"

"I - yes, I do like you, I like Patton Virgil and Thomas as well! Well, barely"

"No, Nerd" Roman sighed, "you like me more, you like me in a romantic way"

Logan shook his head, "like you in a romantic way? That is not possible"

Roman chuckled, "don't worry auto correct, I like you too"

"But I do not like you!"

"Are you sure?"


"So if I did this" Roman pulled Logan close and kissed him on the lips, shocking Logan. "Why won't you push away?" Roman smirked, still close to Logan.

"Because I was shocked" Logan replied, still not moving. Roman rolled his eyes and kissed him again, Logan still didn't push back as he actually...enjoyed it more then he'd like to admit.

"I'll ask again, why didn't you push away?"

"I. Do. Not. know. Roman!" Logan's voice broke and he covered his face with his hands, "I do not get anything that is happening. Admittedly it is quite scary"

Roman hugged him and Logan stayed still in his arms, his heart speed picking up.

"You like me romantically, Logan"

"I couldn't-"

"Not only am I Thomas's creativeness and ego I am his romance, I'm the professional when it comes to feelings so you try and tell me I'm wrong"


"You like me and I like you, what is so hard to understand?"

"Everything!" Roman hugged the distressed man again and calmed him down.

"It's probably confusing for you, sit down and think for awhile, I'll be by your side" Logan nodded and sat on the couch, Roman sat next to him and played with his hair, Logan didn't seem to mind or care.

"I'm glad we had an argument"


"You wouldn't of admitted your feelings to me, albeit you didn't know what you were doing, but that's not the point"

Logan turned to face him and Roman lifted his eyes to stare back. "Could you kiss me again? I want to know if I do have feelings for you"

Roman smirked and pulled him in by the tie, in reality Logan just wanted to kiss him again.


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