Pregnant - Logan x Patton

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"LOGAN!" Patton yelled, running into the living room. "Logy Bear! Guess what!" He excitedly yelled, clapping his hands and jumping up and down.

"What is it, Love?" Logan asked, standing up. Pattons excitement caught the attention of Roman and Virgil who were cuddling on the couch.

"I'm..." Patton paused, his grin becoming wider.

"You are...?"


Logan's expression deadpanned, Roman bit back a laugh while Virgil sighed.

Patton looked around the room, "ha! I got you!" He giggled after a few minutes.

"Love..." Logan paused, pinching his nose. "Woah! Patton! Don't do that!" Roman said, jumping up, Logan and Virgil gave him confused looks.

"You scared me!" Roman smiled, Patton laughed and hugged him. "I got you?"

"Yes! You are such a good liar, isn't he supportive boyfriend number one" Roman gave him a look and Logan cleared his throat.

"Yes, you fooled me, Patton" Logan said, Patton clapped and hugged him, Roman smiled and sat back beside Virgil.

"Why did you do that?" Virgil mumbled.

"I wouldn't want Patton to feel bad" Roman replied, nuzzling his face into Virgils neck.

Later on that day Logan and Patton were laying down in bed, Patton thinking until he suddenly sat up.

"Wait, I can't get pregnant!"

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