Confused - Logan x Virgil x Patton x Roman x Thomas

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"I'm so...confused" Thomas mumbled, covering his face with his hands. His sides stared at him worriedly, none saying a word. He had just admitted he liked his sides, he's never liked more then one person before! And they're...him

"Do you...wanna talk about it?" Patton suggested meekly, Logan thought about correcting him but he knew it wasn't the right time.

"What is there to talk about? I guys, I'm basically saying I like myself! Is that...arrogant if me? Oh god, I'm a terrible human" Thomas hid his face further and his sides frowned.

Patton stood up from where he was sitting and sat next to Thomas, pulling him into a hug. "You're not a terrible human, Thomas, it um...uhm..." Patton couldn't think of anything reassuring to say, it's not normal to like your personality in a way that you want to date it...or in Thomas's position, like them.

"Don't think bad of yourself, Sanders" Virgil pipped up, kneeling down in front of him. "I know this is something you'd think would only happen to Roman-"


"And it's not...normal, but...we can work through it, okay?" Thomas nodded and removed his hands, staring at Virgil. He felt his heart flutter and he sighed, looking away and unconsciously scooting closer to Patton.

"Why don't we try it?" Roman suggested, everyone looked at him and he cleared his throat. "Dating, all of us, for a week and if we have second thoughts we never speak of it again?"

They all agreed, Thomas the most nervous out of everyone. The week went smoothly, the first day they all felt slightly awkward but when they all cuddled and watched movies, ate together and just hung out they gradually became more comfortable.

On the third day they even all slept in the same bed!

(Don't ask he how they all fit, I don't even know myself)

On Sunday Thomas woke up first, opening his eyes he came face to face with Virgil who was cuddled up against him. Roman was spooning him from behind, his face nuzzled into his neck. Thomas smiled happily, glancing over Virgil to see Patton and Logan, Patton sprawled across him.

Resting his head back down he cuddled closer to Virgil and smiled, closing his eyes.

At the start of the week he didn't think this would work out but he realised he's never been more happy then to be dating his sides.



Was it good?

Idk 😂

Like I said, experimenting

ALSO! Sorry it took so long but I had a dinner break during writing soooo


Also also! I might do a few more with Thomas but with him and one other side idk yet

byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=(; ̄◇ ̄)

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