Need Some Loving - Virgil x Logan

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Virgil sat on his bed peacefully, humming along to the music that played through his headphones. He drummed his finger against his knee while looking out of his window. Being in Thomas's mind the sides don't get a view of what would be out of a window, they could choose what was out there and today specifically Virgil chose it to be a dark night, the sky a dark blue, stars littered across with a bright shining moon.

He leaned on the wall and sighed, chewing his lip as thoughts swirled around his mind, as usual.

He felt the bed dip next to him and a tap on his shoulder, turning his head he saw Logan sitting next to him.

"Hey....?" Virgil dragged out with a questioning tone, taking off his headphones.

Logan breathed in deeply and sat so he was fully facing Virgil. "Hello, I need to speak with you"

"Shoot" he said, turning so he was also facing him, pulling one leg up so he could rest his arm on it, his back already leaning on the wall.

Logan gulped, "We have been in a romantic relationship for three months, correct?"

Virgil nodded, "yep"

"And I understand I have not showed or endearment during the whole course of those three months, I dislike having to do this but I just needed to remind you that I do love you..." Logan paused and fixed his tie.

"What I mean by dislike is I do not want to remind you, well...this is quite hard to explain" Logan sighed, Virgil decided to finish for him.

"What you mean is you have a hard time expression your emotions but you don't want to remind me you love me because you want it to be something I know already?" Virgil said, Logan opened his mouth and closed it, nodding.

Virgil looked away, the reason why he was hiding out in his room because he...he was kind of upset, he knew that Logan couldn't express emotions well but he never knew how much it would hurt when Logan treats him like a friend more then a boyfriend.

Logan noticed his sudden mood change and frowned, "I understand I have been a bad boyfriend, I knew I never would be a good one"

"Logan, no-"

"And I understand if you do not want to be together anymore" he finished, he even had a struggle saying the full sentence because he didn't know if he would be able to function properly knowing he couldn't think of Virgil as his.

"But I love you, Logan..."

"As do I, but you and I both know this is not going to work" Virgil frowned, shaking his head. He grabbed ahold of Logan's hands, making Logan glance up at him to see he was serious.

"Logan, Kitten, listen to me. I know you might feel bad, and yes sometimes I do get upset when you don't show me any love or affection but what's the point if we don't try? I knew dating you would mean I would have to deal with your lack of knowledge on emotions but I still love you, please don't leave me because you think I could do better, you are the best I will ever have" Virgil gripped onto his hands tighter, shuffling closer.

"Do you truly mean that?"

Virgil nodded, "no word of a lie"

"You think we could make our romantic relationship work?"

Again, Virgil nodded and Logan broke, wrapping his arms around Virgil he burst into tears, luckily happy ones.

Virgil hugged him back but held the tears, he wanted to be strong...for Logan.

"I love you, and don't think I'll ever love you less" Virgil said to him once they pulled away, cleaning Logan's cheeks with his sleeve.

"I love you also, and I always will" Logan smiled, they hugged again and for the rest of the afternoon they cuddled on Logan's bed, seeing as Logan couldn't stay in vigils room any longer.

Oh and, Patton definitely flipped.


Hey look at that a little reference to my first Thomas sides OneShot, cute little thing to round the whole thing up :P

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