A Dare & A Kiss - Thomas x Logan

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Trigger warning: heated make out

"I dare you to kiss Logan" Virgil smirked, Thomas whipped his head to stare at his side, Logan also looked up at Virgil, he wasn't even playing the game yet he still manages to get involved.

"Kiss him?" Thomas gulped, scratching his neck. Virgil nodded, still smirking smugly. "Or do you want to run down the street naked?"

Thomas sighed and slowly stood up, looking at Logan and looking away after a few seconds, a light blush covering his cheeks.

Logan sighed, adjusting his glasses and standing up also, walking to Thomas.

"How do you want to do this?" Logan asked, Thomas shrugged and wrapped his arms around Logan's waist.

Logan hesitantly wrapped his own arms around Thomas's neck and the two leaned in. Patton held his hands over his mouth, Roman stared in shock and surprise while Virgil watched on, smirking.

It was a small peck, the two leaned back but they didn't move their arms. They stared at each other and Thomas slowly smiled, pulling Logan in again by his tie. This time they shared a longer kiss, Patton was squealing loudly, cooing at how cute it was.

"How are you kissing for so long?" Roman asked, stunned.

"I knew it" Virgil whispered.

Thomas swiped his tongue against Logan's bottom lip but Logan being useless in the whole kissing department he didn't know what it meant. Thomas smiled and tugged his hair softly, making the logical side gasp and an easy access for Thomas to slide his tongue in.

Logan gasped again, not expecting for Thomas to use his tongue. Is this how people kiss usually? With their tongues? Because it's an easy way to spread germs! Logan thoughts seemed to slowly disappear and he only focused on the feeling of Thomas's tongue wrapped around his own.

"Okay love birds calm it down!" Virgil finally called, Thomas and Logan reluctantly let go, breathing heavily and staring at each other, Thomas was grinning and Logan had a small smile playing on his lips.

"Aw! I didn't know you two liked each other!" Patton exclaimed.

"Neither did I" Thomas breathed and they kissed again.


Any requests I'm open!

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