Over Working - Logan x Patton

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Recently Logan has been working a lot on a script for a new video, sometimes with the help of Roman and Thomas of course. Patton had asked him a few times if he wanted to take a break or have some food but each time Logan denied him, sometimes not even replying.

"Logan! I don't want you to become sick" Patton had told him one day, rubbing his back softly.

"Yes, Patton" Logan replied absentmindedly, not even replying with the correct answer.

Patton frowned, removing his hand. "Logan, what's four times four?"

"Okay, Patton"

Patton was hurt, his boyfriend was ignoring him. With one final look to Logan he left the room to find Virgil. He wanted, no needed comfort otherwise he would cry.

"Virgil?" Patton mumbled, knocking on his door.

"Sup, Dad" Virgil tilted the corner of his mouth up at him when he opened the door but frowned when he realised what state he was in.

"What's up?"

Patton sniffled and shuffled into Virgil, Virgil slowly put his arms around the emotional trait, confused.

"L-Logan's ignoring me" he softly spoke, Virgil could feel tears on his neck and he narrowed his eyes, tugging Patton into his room and closing the door.

"Ignoring you?" Virgil repeated, sitting him down on the couch. Patton sniffled and nodded, curling into Virgils side.

"I'm sorry, Pat. I'm sure he's not doing it on purpose...let's watch a movie, to get your mind off things" Patton nodded and he watched the movie with Virgil, falling asleep half way through. Virgil slowly got up and laid him down, pulling a blanket over him. Virgil left to find Logan, ready to confront the logical side.

"Logan! What the hell, dude?" Virgil had said loudly once entering his room. Logan looked up and glared at him, "I would prefer if you did not barge into my room"

"And I would prefer if you didn't ignore Dad!" He snapped back, crossing his arms. Logan stood up, "I do not know what you are talking about"

"That makes it worse! You don't even realise you've been upsetting your own boyfriend?"

"I have not done anything to upset him"

"Yes you have! He said you've been ignoring him" Virgil glared, Logan thought back and realised Patton had been in his room a few times but they never spoke...

Had Patton been speaking but he didn't reply?

"Oh..." Logan mumbled, "yeah "oh"" Virgil replied angrily.

"I did not realise...I am terribly sorry-"

"Wrong person to apologies to"

"Where is he?"

"My room'' Logan rushed to Virgils room and Virgil smiled, walking to the script and changing a bit, some of him doing it out of spite and the other just to mess with Logan.

"Patton? Love?" Logan called, closing Virgils door. He saw his boyfriend asleep on the couch and he quietly walked over to him, sitting next to his head.

"Patton" he called, shaking the Dad like trait. He hummed and sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes.

"M'sorry..I fell asl-...Logan?" He asked, sitting up straighter. Logan gave him a small smile.

"I apologise, Patton" he started, twisting his body so he was fully facing him. "I did not mean to hurt you, or ignore you, I have been very busy recently" He explained, Patton relaxed and smiled.

"Will you forgive me? If you wish we can sleep in my room if you are still tired" Logan offered, Patton nodded.

"I forgive you, Logan! And I love you!"

"As I you, Patton"

Logan stood up and walked to his door, he realised Patton wasn't following and he turned around to see Patton making grabby hands towards him. "Carry me?" He giggled.

Logan sighed but did as he asked, picking him up with the blanket still around him.

"I suppose it is good I can pick up my own weight" He commented, taking a giggling Patton to his room. He laid him down and took if his glasses and tie, along with his shoes.

Patton pulled him down and kissed him sweetly, letting him lay down next to him.

"If I accidentally start to ignore you again it would be useful for you to know I am ticklish" Logan told him, Patton grinned and nodded, cuddling up to his side.

"Where, here?"

"Don't you dare!"

Oh, he dared.


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