I Love You - Logan x Patton

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"I love you" Patton mumbled, cuddling closer to Logan

"I love you, too"

"I love you more!"

"I love you most" Logan smiled

"I love you to the moon and back!"

"I love you to Saturn and back"

"I love you to Jupiter and back!" Patton grinned, Logan shook his head still smiling.

"Jupiter is closer then Saturn"

"Oh...I love you to Pluto and back!"

"I love you to Sedna and back"

Patton stared at him confused, "where's that?"

Logan hummed in amusement, resting his head in the crook of Pattons neck.

"You are adorable, Patton"

Patton giggled, hugging Logan tightly.

"I love you past Sedan and back!" Logan chuckled.

"Sedna" he said, pulling his head black to stare at Patton.

"Oh" Patton frowned and Logan kissed him. "It is okay, I love you to infinity"

"I love you to infinity times two!"

"That's not a thing, dear"

"Well it is now!" Patton giggled.

"Fine, we both love each other equally" Logan smiled and Patton nuzzled his head into his neck.

"Okay...but I love you more!"

"And I love you most"

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