Ghosts - Patton x Logan & Roman x Virgil

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"Spiders are terrifying!"

"Nothin' is as scary as ghosts" Virgil replied, catching Logan's attention.

"Virgil, ghosts do not exist" Logan denied, Patton shot his heads towards him.

"Yes they do! There's proof on the internet!" Patton defended and Roman actually stopped what he was going to join in on the conversation.

"I'm agreeing with calculator watch, for once" he added, glancing at Logan. "Ghosts are not real, all that stuff on the internet is just silly make believe!"

"Like your Disney movies?" Virgil fired back, Roman gasped and glared at him.

"You take that back!"

"He is correct" Logan joined in

"I thought you were on my side!?" Roman exclaimed

"Falsehood - I am not on any side, ghosts are not real and neither is Disney"

Patton backed away from the argument, he knew a way to sort this out. He went to the room in Thomas's mind filled with useless crap the sides don't use anymore and found the ouija board. He swore he'd never tell the others about it but today he was finally breaking that rule.

He rushed back in before the others could start a civil war and slammed the board onto the floor. Everyone went quiet and stared at him, all looking at the board with surprised looks.

"You have one of those?" Virgil asked, moving to sit next to Patton and glide his fingers across the smooth wood, entranced.

" we can find out if ghosts really exist!" Patton grabbed the plastic triangle and put it on the board.

Roman joined in and they all waited for Logan who watched with crossed arms. "I am not joining in on your stupid games" He stated.

"Is Logan too scared?" Virgil taunted, smirking. Patton made subtle chicken noises and Logan huffed, plonking down on the floor.

"I hate you all"

"Ditto, nerd" Virgil shot back.

They all put their fingers on the plastic triangle and Virgil hid a smirk, an idea coming to mind. Would he regret it? He didn't care.

Patton suddenly shot up and dimmed the lights, cleaning a few things on the floor before sitting down again.

"Is this really necessary?" Logan mumbled.

"Logan would be the first to die in a horror movie" Roman commented, Logan glared at him. Patton told them to take this seriously so they did. Patton asked a few questions but nothing happened.

"I told you this is-"

"Ask one more, maybe they need time?" Virgil suggested, cutting Logan off.

"Okay, uhm...whats your name?" Patton asked, it didn't move for a few seconds before the plastic triangle slowly nudged its way to the N. They all gasped but none noticed Virgils was fake, also not seeing his small smirk.

"Okay who is doing that?" Logan asked, hiding his slight fear.

"It's not me! I swear!" Roman declared, "me neither" Virgil mumbled, putting on his best scared act.

"Logan! Logan! It's moving!" Patton cried, terrified.

It kept moving to different letters until it spelled out Nathan.

"Nathan?" Logan whispered, confused.

"It's his name!" Patton worried, moving his hand from the plastic triangle.

"I'll um...get some candles" Virgil purposely acted scared, getting up and looking around before disappearing. The others sat in silence for a few minutes, Romans worry growing with every second that passed.

"Why isn't he back yet?" Roman finally asked, looking at Patton and Logan. They shared nervous looks and Patton got up, calling Virgils name. They all worried more when they didn't get a response.

"Maybe he's...left, or gone to hide in his room!" Logan tried to rationalise the situation but he didn't even believe himself.

Roman slowly began to freak out, mumbling "what ifs" to himself as he paced.

"Let's try and find him!" Patton suggested, shuffling closer to Logan to feel more safe.

"That's how people die in-" Roman got cut off when a loud slam echoed down the hallway. Patton jumped and gasped, taking a few steps back along with Logan and Roman.

"That must be him-" Logan tried to speak but let out a squeak when a cupboard opened and slammed shut in the kitchen right next to them.

"Virgil! Stop this!" Logan shouted, silence.

"You don't possibly suspect him, do you? No one is in the kitchen, Logan!" Prince yelled, turning to face the empty kitchen.

Logan stammered, trying to think of a way that it could've been the wind or something along the lines. Patton lost it when a glass smashed against the floor, screaming and hiding in the living room.

Logan and Roman chased after him, they could hear whispers and loud noises in other parts of the mind. When a noise sounded near enough to be right next to them Logan whimpered and jumped into Pattons arms, visibly shaking.

"P-Patton if we-... if we die today-" he yelped when a door slammed behind him and he clutched Patton tighter.

"If we die today I want you to know that I love you!" He rushed out, Patton gasped quietly and Logan quickly leaned in, kissing him.

"Next time you don't believe in something I do, be prepared" They all gasped and spun around to face Virgil who had dropped Romans invisibility cloak, smirking widely.

"Wait...what?" Logan asked, confused.

"It was you?" Patton slowly began to grin and he clapped his hands. "That was so scary!" He giggled and hugged Logan tightly, still a bit scared.

Roman stared at Virgil for a few seconds, the only thing that truly scared him that night was the thought of losing Virgil.

"VIRGIL!" He suddenly screamed, making Virgil flinch. "I THOUGHT I LOST YOU!" He cried, running to Virgil and picking him up in his arms, kissing him on the lips.

Virgil was surprised but kissed back, smiling slightly. He was proud that his plan to scare all of them worked out.

All Logan could do was stare at the floor, face burning. He couldn't believe he was actually..scared...and what he admitted to Patton. Oh god.

"Patton what I said-"

"I love you too, silly goose" Patton beamed, kissing Logan happily.

"Don't ever do that again" Roman mumbled against Virgils lips, staring into his brown eyes.

"I won't, you should've seen your faces though. It was gold"


I did it ╹◡╹)♡

I hope you liked it, I had fun writing it

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