Mean - Virgil x Patton

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"You need to stop making Thomas feel anxious!" Roman told Virgil.

"And stop him from procrastinating, it is highly annoying and he gets nothing done!" Logan added, Virgil shrunk down into his jacket even further.

"You are always the bad guy ruining his life!" Roman declared, Virgil looked away, feeling immensely hurt.

"Yes sometimes you do help - we are not asking you to leave we want you to only do what you do when absolutely needed" Logan explained.

This has been going on for nearly an hour, Roman and Logan picking out different things Virgil does and efficiently telling him to stop, basically.

"Okay I get it" Virgil huffed, putting on a fake emotionless act. "You want me to stop being me"

"No, no, no! We want you to stop...being so amplified with what you do" Roman tried to say without sounding mean.

Virgil hummed, staring at him with a 'really?' expression. Virgil sighed and told them he'd stop whatever he was doing wrong and sunk down.

In reality he was very hurt and the first thing he thought to do was go to Patton who was basically the side he was closet to. He always told him if he was upset and most of his secrets, Patton doing the same to him.

"Pat?" Virgil called once entering the bubbly traits room.

"Hey Vergie!" Patton grinned, "what's up?"

Virgil bit his lip, scratching his neck. "It's Logan and Roman again...they reminded me everything that was wrong with me" he explained.

Patton frowned and opened his arms, Virgil shuffled forward and hugged him gently, hiding his face in his neck. Patton rubbed his back and swayed side to side ever so slightly, calming Virgil.

Suddenly Roman and Logan appeared, Virgil jumped away from Patton and but on his usual blank expression, staring at the two.

"We forgot to add, you-"

"Don't finish that" Patton warned, standing in front of Virgil in a protective way.


"No" Patton crossed his arms, his Dad mode shining through. "you and Roman never tell Virgil anything that would insult him, he is perfect just the way he is!" He defended, "I may not be like this often but if you ever tell Virgil something like that again you are both grounded for five months, no butts!" Patton ushered the two away and closed his door, turning to Virgil with a smile.

Virgil smiled back and they hugged. "Thanks, Pat"

"Aw, don't worry Vergie! Anything for my precious boyfri- Friend! Friend! I said friend!" He blushed, Virgil blushed with him and they looked away.

"You see me as your boyfriend?" Virgil spoke up, meeting Pattons gaze through his lashes.

"Um...I'm sorry! I have feelings for you, I get it if you don't like me back, this is pretty sudd-" Virgil gained courage while Patton was rambling, he leaned forward and pecked his cheek, shutting Patton up. Both of their faces burned with a blush.

Patton held Virgils hand and led him to the couch, both sat down and cuddled each other. Not a word was said for five minutes.

"Vergie? Whatever the others said to you - forget it, you are amazingly perfect! And I like you how you are"

Virgil smiled but hid his face in Pattons chest. "Thanks, Pat. You're the best" Patton giggled and kissed his head, playing with his hair softly.


Omg I finally did it! Haha, sorry for taking so long with this one! Thanks for the request!

Omg I finally did it! Haha, sorry for taking so long with this one! Thanks for the request!

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