Bad Sides - No Ship

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Virgil had a secret, a big secret. A secret that if it was let out it would get him into trouble with the other sides. That secret is...every night when the other sides are sleeping he goes to the bad sides.

The sides that cannot leave Thomas's mind, sides like his Anger, Depression, Evilness, Hatred, etc. Virgil hung out with them because most of them weren't as bad as you would expect, some are just misunderstood, like Virgil was.

"Hey! It's Virgil!" The Evil side grinned, walking up to him with a glint of...well, evil in his eyes.

"Sup" Virgil greeted, holding his hand up in a greeting sort of way to the others. Thomas's Evil side, which of course Thomas rarely feels, definitely has an evil aura, but Virgil had gotten used to it.

He noticed Depression crying from how miserable his life was and Anger flipping a table because of Thomas's Seductive side was annoying him again

(There are a lot of made up sides, DEAL WITH IT)

"Hey so" Evilness stopped Virgil from walking, something about these sides was they were, in the power aspect. Of course the main sides could basically teleport and made things appear out of nowhere but these sides could do much more, for instance fly which is what Evilness did instead of walking.

"I have been dared to do something" Evilness grinned his evil grin, Virgil sighed knowing when the Evil side is given a dare he will not back down.

"What now?"

"I can't tell you that" he smirked and pushed away, gliding higher into the air.

"Be prepared for tomorrow is all I can say" Virgil rolled his eyes and hung out with the other sides for a few hours before he left because he was to tired to function.

Whatever Evilness was dared do to Virgil prayed it wasn't anything too bad.


The next morning Virgil woke up to loud yells. He groaned and got up, heading to wherever the screams were coming from.

"Shut up!" He yelled over the others, rubbing his eye. "What's wrong now?"


"Woah Dad, calm down" Virgil said, now he knew what Evilness's dare was. "We'll get him back"

The three sides headed to the side of the mind they never went to - apart from Virgil but they didn't know that - once they reached it Virgil told Roman and Patton to go a certain way and he'd go another. Thinking he was alone he went straight up to Evilness who was hanging out with Annoyance and Seductiveness.

"Sup" he greeted, "hey Verge" Seductiveness winked and he rolled his eyes. "Have you seen Logan?"

"Oh, that nerd" Annoyance stated, "if we have seen him would you like to know?"




"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am sure"

"Are you sure your sure?"

"This is why people call you Annoyance" Virgil sighed, chuckling. Annoyance smirked and leaned back, "its what I do"

"It looks like your dramatic friend followed you" Evilness stated, smirking.

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