Cuddles - Roman x Patton x Thomas

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Romans eyes drifted open slowly, he yawned and stretched his arms above his head. He could feel a warm body next to him and he smiled, leaning down and kissing Pattons cheek.

"Good morning" Roman smiled when he noticed Thomas staring at him from the other side of Patton. Thomas smiled back and mumbled a good morning.

Patton slowly moved his arm and balled it into a fist, rubbing his eye with it. Roman smiled at how cute Patton was being while Thomas didn't notice, subtly trying to get out of Pattons grip to make breakfast.

"Noooo" Patton whined, his eyes stilled closed, Thomas chuckled and kissed Pattons forehead.

"I need to make breakfast, Pat"

Patton paused, "nooooo" he whined again and gripped Thomas tighter, keeping Roman in his grip also.

Thomas looked at Roman and both of then nodded, Roman tried to tug away and Patton tightened his grip on Roman, giving Thomas a chance to slip out of bed.

"Nooo! Wait!" Patton opened his eyes and turned to Thomas's side, giving Roman the chance to get up to.

"Nooooo!" Patton cried, sitting up and staring at them with puppy dog eyes and a pouted lip.

"Don't leave" He mumbled, making grabby hands towards them.

"Aw...Patton" Thomas sighed and he couldn't hold back, he laid back down in bed and Patton cuddled up to his side, he used one arm to hold Thomas and the other to motion Roman over.

"But-..." Roman sighed and shook his head, laying back down on the bed.

"Yay!" Patton giggled, pulling both of them closer and cuddling into both of them, leaning up and kissing each of their lips.

"We won't be able to leave the bed all day, I hope you know" Roman mumbled to Thomas.

"I don't mind" Thomas shrugged and closed his eyes, still feeling tired.

Roman sighed but he did enjoy the company of being with his two boyfriends.


I thought this was cute...(><)

Patton is adorable ngl


I forgot to say if anyone has requests and or prompts just holla

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