Forgot - Virgil x Patton

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"Do you have the towels?"

"For the last time, yes!"

"What about the Suncream? Do you have the snacks? And buckets? And spades?"

"Patton" Logan motioned Patton towards the front door, "we have everything, stop worrying"

"I'm sorry! I'm just really excited! I don't want to forget anything!" Patton exclaimed as he and Logan walked out of the door. Roman assumed he was locking up, as he was given the key so he grabbed a few things and left.

"Buckle up!" Thomas called, they all did and instantly burst into conversation as Thomas drove. They were heading to a secluded beach Thomas found not to long ago, not many people know of its existence so it's perfect for him and his sides!

"Are you sure we haven't forgotten anything?" Patton mumbled, he was in the front with Thomas. Thomas smiled at him reassuringly, "I'm sure"

They did forget something, and that something was a someone.

Virgil walked down the stairs and glanced around, "guys?" He called, stopping his movements. It was silent and Virgil began to worry, "guys? Hello?" He called louder, looking into different rooms.

Once looking outside and seeing no car he realised that they had already left, without him.

Frowning, Virgil slumped on the couch and went onto his phone. He was actually...excited, for once, to leave the house and spend a day with everyone. It's not often they all get to have fun as they have to hide from everyone else.

He brought his knees to his chest. Maybe they didn't want me because I'd ruin the mood? Virgil thought, hugging his legs tighter. How could they forget? If they didn't want me they could've at least told me. Virgils thoughts clouded his mind and he stuffed his head in his knees.

Tears trickled down his cheeks and soaked into his trousers.

Back in the car Logan and Roman were having a civil debate about Disney when Patton realised something. "Virgil!" He suddenly yelled, spinning around to look into the back. His face drained when he only saw Logan and Roman.

As soon as Patton spoke his name everyone else realised their mistake. They were in such a rush they didn't notice...

"Oh gosh, we forgot Virgil! How could we!?" Patton worriedly exclaimed, feeling horrible. How could he forget Virgil!?

"Hang on, I'll turn around" Thomas said.

"Hopefully he'll forgive us" Roman murmured, feeling just as bad for not noticing Virgil was still in the house. Thomas sped all the way home and once he parked Patton rushed out of the car and into the house he had already gotten the keys from Roman.

"Kiddo?" He called, hearing a sniffle he spotted Virgil wiping his eyes hastily. "Virgil!" Patton ran over and wrapped him in a hug.

"I'm so so so so so sorry!" Patton cried, hugging him closer. "We didn't mean to leave you! We just forgot! Please forgive us, we're really sorry!"

Virgil hugged Patton back, resting his head on his shoulder. The others had entered the house, all looking guilty.

"We are terribly sorry, Virgil" Logan said first, stepping closer.

"I thought you had left! It's my fault" Roman guiltily stated, frowning.

Virgil shook his head, "s'fine, I'd ruin it anyway"

Patton gasped, shaking his head rapidly. "Don't say that! You could never ruin anything! It would be ruined if you weren't there! It's our fault, please don't think we left you on purpose" Patton hugged him tighter again.

Virgil had to hide his small smile, he forgives them yes, but was he going to tell them that? No.

Virgil stood up and shrugged, "no no, you forgot me...I guess I'm unimportant"

"No! No! No!" Patton rushed, jumping up and grabbing Virgils hands. "Don't think so low of yourself!"

"Is there anything we can do for you to forgive us?" Logan inquired, watching as Patton freaked out.

"There is something" Virgil smirked

"What? Tell me! Please!" Patton begged, Virgil held Pattons hand back, staring at his boyfriend with admiration.

"Kiss me"

Patton paused, then he smiled widely. "Why didn't you just say so, kiddo?" He leaned to Virgil and pecked his lips, smiling brightly.

"Thanks, Pat"

"Anything for my dark strange boyfriend, anyway!" Patton spun around, still holding Virgils hand.

"To the beach!"

"This time Virgil should leave the house first" Roman grinned, Virgil just rolled his eyes and left with Patton who was back to his bubbly self.

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