Dressing Up - Roman x Virgil

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Trigger warning: self deprecation



"Are you sure you don't wanna come, kiddo?" Patton asked Virgil for the umpteenth time, making Virgil groan.

"I'm sorry kiddo! I'm just making sure" Patton kissed Virgils forehead and he waved to the others as they left the house. They were all going out today to do a few mundane things and Virgil didn't want to go for two reasons.

One; It'll bore him to death, two; he wants to do something he can't do with others around...

(No, not that ya nasties)

He went to Prince's room and closed the door after him, scanning the room his eyes landed on Romans wardrobe. Virgil sighed and bit his lip, hesitating before he walked over and took out one of Prince's outfit.

He has a few spares of the clothes he usually wears. Virgil changed into Prince's clothes and folded his neatly on Romans bed before standing in front of the full body mirror Roman owned.

Moving his lips left to right he held his arms up, doing the pose Roman usually does when he appears in videos - or appears anywhere, really.

"Greetings ladies, lords and non-binary royalty" Virgil chuckled and dropped his arms, fixing the red sash.

"I hate everyone who doesn't agree with me, blah blah blah" Virgil carried on speaking like Roman, using hand gestures. "Especially that emo nightmare, who invited him to the party?" Virgil frowned and sighed.

"What? Anxiety likes me? Pfft hahahah! How could that pitiful creature like anything?" Virgil said, staring directly at himself.

"Of course I don't like him! We are sworn enemies! I the good, handsome, noble, honourable, humble man against the evil, no good, rotten, dark..stupid...pitiful....emo...nightmare...monster" Virgil finished off, the insults coming out slower with every word.

"We just do not fit! Can't he see that I would never like him? He's such a fool! Ha. Ha. Ha" Virgil fake angrily laughed, kicking the floor with his foot.

"If only I could destroy him once and for all to rid poor Thomas of his painful demons caused by this monster of an emotion!" Virgil stopped and dropped his head, a lone tear slipping down his cheek and splashing onto the floor.

"I could never love the bad guy...."

"I think I can make an exception for you" Virgil jumped and spun around, staring wide eyed at Roman who was standing in the doorway, a smirk playing on his lips.

Virgil bit his lip and looked away, scratching his neck and scrambling for his own clothes, hiding himself from Prince.

Roman walked over to him and took the clothes from his hands, setting them down on the bed. "There is nothing to be afraid of, Virgil. I won't judge you"

"Why?" Virgil mumbled, "I'm dressed in your clothes pretending to be you! You have every right to judge me...ugh I'm such a creep"

Roman used his thumbs knuckle to tilt Virgils head up so they were eye level, "I find it quite endearing, can't bare to part with me?" He joked, smirking.

Virgil rolled his eyes and tried to escape but Roman held him close with an arm wrapped around his waist. "Ah ah ah, what were you saying earlier? That I could never love the bad guy?" Virgil blushed from pure embarrassment.


"You're right, I can't and will never love the bad guy" Virgil felt his heart shatter into a million pieces at this, he tried to get away again but Roman held him tighter, he whimpered and closed his eyes.

"But I will love you" Virgil felt Roman press his soft lips against his own and he gasped through his nose, eyes flying open to stare at Roman who leaned back.


"Who said you were the bad guy?" Roman smirked. Virgils face burned and he hid it in Romans chest, chewing his sleeve - or Romans sleeve.

Roman smiled and brushed his hair to the side, "I must say you look exceptionally good in that clothing"

"You look better in it" Virgil mumbled, face still hidden. Roman chuckled once more.

"I guess that is a good thing, but next time don't put words into my mouth, kay? I love you"

"I love you, too...and thanks"

"Anything for my lookalike"



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