Cat Man - Virgil x Logan

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Virgil sat at his vanity in his room, staring at himself through the mirror, his black ears twitched a bit on top of his head and he could see his tail swaying from side to side behind him. He smiled slightly, bending his ears down.

"VIRGIL! I MADE CAKE-" Patton burst into the room, Virgil jumped up and didn't have enough time to hide his ears and tail, Patton stared at him with his mouth wide open.

" have...." he trailed off and Virgil sighed, ducking his head down.

Patton walked closer to him and toyed with his ear, Virgil involuntarily purred, Patton gasped.

"Please don't tell anyone" Virgil meekly whispered, looking at him with pleading wide eyes.

"Of course, kiddo!...or should I say, kitty?" Patton grinned, ruffling his hair. Virgil rolled his eyes and hid his ears with his beanie, tucking his tail into his jacket he followed Patton to the kitchen.

A few days later Roman had accidentally found out about Virgils secret, he had walked in on Patton playing with his ears, Virgil in complete bliss he didn't notice Prince even walk in!

"Woah..." he whispered and Patton gasped, "'s not what you look like?" Patton tried but failed to lie, completely messing up his sentence.

Virgil hid behind Patton as Roman walked closer, looking at his tail and ears with his utmost curiosity. "Dear Neptune you are a cat..."

"I-Well...don't tell anyone?"

"Who is there to tell?" Roman replied, sitting on the bed and curling his tail around his fingers, Virgil purred under his breath, pulling his tail from his grasp.

"Logan and Thomas"

"Logan is your boyfriend! He should know...whatever this is, and Thomas is the host, don't you think he deserves to know?" Virgil sighed but agreed with him, he'd tell Thomas first then Logan.

Three days had passed and Virgil still hadn't told Thomas or Logan. In the mean time Roman decided to prank him, he got a bowl and cat food, pouring the food into the bowl and placing it in Virgils room.

"Virgil! I got you something" Roman grinned, Virgil stood up and saw the bowl, his eyes narrowing.

"I don't eat cat food!" Virgil muttered, crossing his arms. Roman laughed and Virgil hissed at him, swatting his hand at his arm, scratching him.

"Ow!" Roman chuckled, "you definitely have claws"

Virgil hissed at him again. The same day Roman coaxed him to tell the other two.

Thomas did freak out initially but once Patton calmed him down he rubbed Virgils ears with a smile. "You look adorable!" He stated, Virgil sighed and took a few steps back so he wouldn't be petted.

"Yeah...thanks...I don't look cute" he whispered the end under his breath, doing his two finger salute he vanished to go find Logan, the person he was most scared about telling.

Logan was in his room, laying on his bed, thinking. Virgil knocked on his door.

"Logan? Can I come in?"

"Of course, Virgil" He opened the door and stepped in, smiling at Logan.

"I have something to tell you" Virgil said, sitting beside Logan. Logan, for some reason, instantly thought Virgil was going to break up with him so he sat up and frowned.

"Wait, why? I thought our relationship was going well" He said, reaching out and holding Virgils hand.


"You breaking up with me, correct?"

"What?! No! Logan, let me finish, okay?" Logan nodded and Virgil slowly reached up, taking off his beanie and letting his ears spring up.

Logan stared at them for a few seconds then back to Virgil. "You like wearing fake cat ears?"

"No...they're not fake"

"That's not possible, you can't have cat..." he trailed off as Virgil moved his ears, letting his tail out too.

"That is...impossible" Logan whispered, reaching up and rubbing his ear. Virgil purred and leaned into his touch, Logan noticed and smiled slightly.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Logan inquired, letting Virgil sit in between his legs, his back facing Logan's chest.

"I was scared" he admitted, "scared you might not want to"

"Why would I not want to date someone half cat half human?"

"I don't know" Virgil shrugged, his thoughts interrupted when Logan caressed his ears, he used his other hand to softly rub his tail and Virgil purred, he had been doing that a lot recently.

"Do you like this?" Logan asked, Virgil purred louder and pushed his head into Logan's hand, Logan smiled and carried on his petting.

A string of low purring noises came from Virgil and they didn't stop, he let his eyes close and body fully relax against Logan's. Before he let his secret get out his ears and tail had never been played with before and for him it was an amazing, relaxing, blissful feeling.

Logan kept on doing what he was doing until Virgils breath evened out, indicating he was asleep. Smiling Logan moved Virgil so he was laying down, Logan laid down next to him and Virgil cuddled close to Logan in his sleep, ducking his ears down and curling his tail around Logan's waist.

Logan smiled and kissed his forehead, falling into a deep sleep a few minutes after.


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