Spin The Bottle - Logan x Roman & Patton x Virgil

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Trigger warning: heated make out

Somehow Thomas managed to convince his sides to play seven minutes in heaven, after a lot of arguing with Logan and Virgil.

"You guys know how to play?" Thomas asked, sitting on the couch. He wasn't going to join in because he had a boyfriend.

"Yes - Someone spins the bottle and whoever it lands on they have to go to the closet and make out for seven minutes" Logan explained, sitting on his legs with his back straight. He usually sat in that position.

"Ugh this is so stupid" Virgil mumbled, crossing his legs and resting his chin on the palm of his hand.

"Come on! It'll be fun!" Thomas giggled and Virgil gave him a look. "Our definition of fun must be very different" he muttered, sighing irritably.

The game started and Patton was the first to spin, the others watched in anticipation as the bottle slowly stopped facing Virgil. Patton looked up at him with a cheeky grin, Virgil only blushed.

"Do we have to do this?" He complained to Thomas.

"No, you could always strip your cloth-"

"C'mon Patton" Virgil got up, refusing to remove any of his clothing. Patton giggled and followed Virgil into the closet.

Thomas set a timer and they sat in awkward silence.

"What do we do for seven minutes?" Logan inquired.


"We don't have to kiss if you don't want to" Patton told Virgil, they both sat down in the darkish closet, staring awkwardly at each other.

"No...I agreed to play, might as well play by the rules" he sighed once more and shuffled closer to Patton.

Patton grinned and leaned in all the way, connecting his lips with Virgils. Virgil froze, it was unexpected but when Patton pulled back he wanted to kiss him again.

"We did I-" Virgil cut Patton off by kissing him again, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around his neck. Patton slid his own eyes shut and kissed back, a smile forming on his lips as he did so. Virgil didn't know kissing someone would be this exhilarating! He couldn't get enough.

Virgil felt himself lean forward and slowly both of them were laying down, Virgil on top and still passionately kissing Patton. They eventually pulled back for air but Virgil went straight back down, letting his tongue slip in past Pattons parted lips.

Patton gasped at the feeling of another tongue in his mouth but he couldn't lie, he loved the feeling.

Patton slowly pulled him closer, both of the tongues fighting for dominance. Time passed quicker then the two realised and soon their seven minutes were almost up.

"Have you got four of spades?" Logan asked Roman, Roman sighed and handed it over.

The timer rang, surprising Thomas and causing him to drop his cards. "I knew you had two of hearts!" Roman exclaimed and Thomas laughed.

"Patton! Virgil! You can come out now!" Thomas called but when they didn't respond Thomas grinned and dashed over, whipping the door open. He saw Virgil on top of Patton, kissing him deeply.

"You two had fun, then?" Thomas asked, Virgil sprung back and planted heavily, glaring at Thomas. Patton only stared at the ceiling with a dazed look.

"Times up" Thomas headed back to the couch, Virgil helping Patton up and following him back to his seat.

Roman sent him a smirk and Virgil hissed at him.

It was Logan's turn to spin, coincidentally it landed on Roman, who sent him a smirk the instant the bottle stopped.

"Looks like I'm getting down and dirty with the nerd" he joked, standing up and holding his hand out to help Logan up also.

Logan rolled his eyes but let himself be pulled up, "Logan, let Prince woo you with romantic gestures!" Patton grinned, his sparkling.

"I would prefer if I didn't" Logan replied, walking behind Roman. Roman opened the door and stood to the side, "Ladies first"

"I am not a lady, technically I am not a man either, none of us are human just aspects-"

"Okay calculator watch just go in" Roman cut him off, Logan huffed but complied, Roman followed, closing the door.

"What do we do?" Virgil murmured.

"Play cards!" Thomas happily replied.

Roman wasted no time in pinning Logan to the wall and attacking his lips, pressing his entire body against the smarter trait, his hands feeling everything that they could reach.

Logan put his hands on Romans shoulders, originally to try and push him back but his actions didn't correlate with his thoughts, his thoughts soon disappeared anyway.

"Ro-Roman" Logan moaned, feeling Romans hands massage his backside.

Roman smirked against his lips and slowly kissed his jaw, going down to his neck. Logan involuntary stretched his neck to give Roman more access.

Logan breathed in shakily, his legs buckling underneath him. Not once in his life has he experienced something like this, nor had he ever thought about doing this. He didn't know what he was missing out on.

The time went by and the instant Roman heard the noise of the timer running out he pulled back, staring at Logan with dilated pupils. Logan's head lolled to the side, gripping Romans forearms in a tight grip to keep himself balanced.

"I reached your expectations, huh?" Roman smirked and pushed back, letting Logan balance himself on the wall.

"Y-yes" Logan breathed.

Holding out his arm Logan grabbed his hand and they walked out, Logan a blushing mess and quickly trying to fix his glasses and tie but everyone noticed.

"You had fun then?" Virgil asked Roman, Roman smirked.

"Yes - and I would love to do it again"


I diiiid it


I enjoyed writing this one 😂

I enjoyed writing this one 😂

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Ugh. I hate myself lol

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