Onesie Betrayal - Patton x Logan

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"They're out! So you can wear your onesie with me!" Patton said, already wearing his own one.

Logan stared at him with a risen eyebrow, "Roman and Virgil are out?" He asked for clarification, Patton nodded and he sighed, agreeing to wear his onesie with Patton.

Patton cheered and once he had changed they cuddled in the living room, that was until Roman and Virgil walked in because they weren't actually out.

"Oh! The onesie crew" Roman snorted, making Virgil laugh, which made Roman laugh with him.

Logan turned his head to Patton and narrowed his eyes. "You lied to me" he mumbled.

"I'm sorry, Logy Bear! I just wanted you to wear it!" Patton said, frowning. Logan wasn't having any of it and vanished to his room, Patton deflated and instantly tried to think of ways to make Logan forgive him.

The next day Logan heard a paper slide under his door, he turned his head and saw a card. Sighing he picked it up and read the front, it had a picture of a whale with the words "I'm whaley sorry!" Under it.

He shook his head but smiled the tiniest but, opening the card he read the small letter Patton had left.

To Logy Bear

I'm sorry for lying to you! You look really cute in the onesie and I just wanted us to be onesie buddies! If you don't want to forgive me yet that's fine but maybe you'll change your mind if you open your door?

Logan closed the card and set it on his desk, preparing himself for anything he slowly opened the door too see Patton standing there.

"If I had to choose between loving you and breathing I would use my last breath to say I love you!" He said, biting his lip afterwards.

Logan bit back a smile, waiting to see if Patton had anything else. "Um, when you came into my life I realised why it never worked out with any of the others!"

"But you have only been with me?" Logan asked, letting a smile creep onto his lips. He's so cute.

"Oh...oh yeah...oh, um, I'm sorry" Patton looked at the ground with guilt and Logan sighed fondly, wrapping his arms around Patton and tilting his head up, showering him with kisses that made him giggle.

"Does-does this mean you forgive me?" Patton asked with a wide smile.

"Of course I do, Love"



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What if the reason why Horrid Henry was so horrid was because he wanted attention from his parents who only gave his brother attention?

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What if the reason why Horrid Henry was so horrid was because he wanted attention from his parents who only gave his brother attention?

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