Secret Santa - Logan x Roman x Patton x Virgil

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Okay, um, I'm really sorry to the person who requested this, I tried to do the request the way you asked for it buuuut it kinda turned out to be like a normal secret Santa thing idk.

I'm sorry, I'm not the best 😭❤️


"Are we really doing this?" Virgil complained, stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets. "Of course we are! Don't be boring!" Roman whined back, stomping his feet slightly like a kid would do.

"What if one person is not chosen?" Logan inquired, turning to Roman. Roman shrugged, "unlucky for them?" He replied, more like a question. Logan sighed and adjusted his glasses.

They were all doing their own version of secret Santa, they would choose one or more person to be secretly kind to for a week, on Sunday they will all come out with who they were being nice to. It's a bonus if the two or more people end up dating.

What they didn't know was all of them chose the same people, kind of. They all decided to be nice to all of them as they all liked each other...if that makes sense.

Roman was the first to be kind, he left a plate of cookies outside of Pattons door, a brand new book Roman knew Logan would love outside of his, and new make up for Virgil, Roman knowing he was running low.

Roman was in his room when they all found their gifts, all smiling and bringing them into their room.

The next day Patton wanted to do something, he made three different baskets, one with a dark blue ribbon, one with a purple ribbon, and the other with a red ribbon. All of them had the favourite food of who the basket was going to, Logan's being chocolate, Virgil being pizza, and Romans being brownies.

The sides found their gifts, Logan and Virgil surprised they got two gifts. Two day passed and Logan finally decided to do something. For Virgil he gave him a book that wasn't really a book, it had a secret hiding spot where the pages were meant to be and a note that read: write down all of your bad thoughts and put them in here - it will help

For Patton he got him a new onesies, one Logan didn't wear anymore, and Roman a polaroid camera so he could print off his selfies. They all loved their gifts very much.

On Saturday Virgil almost forgot what he was meant to do, he thought quick and decided to be predictable. He got a mirror and made a frame, adding words at the bottom which said: my favourite person

He put it in a box and moved onto Pattons gift. It was a picture of all of them, they had decided to go see fireworks - well, Thomas did - And Roman secretly took a picture of them all, Virgil keeping it for himself.

He framed it, making the frame colourful and full of stuff Patton would like before putting it in a box and moving onto Logan's gift.  He made a simple light that would attach to his reading books so he could read them better at night.

Virgil put the gifts outside of the sides rooms and hid back in his room, flopping on his bed and sighing. He hoped they liked their gifts....

The next day the sides went to the living room, Patton grinning widely. He was excited to find out who chose him!

Sitting on the couch everyone stayed silent, awkwardly staring at each other.

"I'll go first!" Patton grinned, sitting up. "I chose....all of you!" He threw his arms up, grinning.

"I would say that was not the point of this but...I chose all of you to" Logan mumbled, adjusting his tie and looking away from everyone.

"I guess I should come clean, I also chose you all!" Roman grinned, everyone's eyes went to Virgil and he froze. "Uh...I chose you guys...all of you" he mumbled, shrinking into his jacket.

"This is just spectacular!" Roman grinned, sitting up.

"How?" Logic replied, "well my favourite nerd, it means we all like each other, correct?" Roman asked, grinning. Everyone else glanced at each other, blushing and nodding slowly.

"Thank you for suggesting this, Patton!" Roman smiled at him, Patton smiled back.

"No problem, Roman!"


Ah ha, yeah this isn't one of my best...again, I'm sorry it wasn't exactly what you requested

Thank you anyway!

Thank you anyway!

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