Paper Plane - Virgil x Logan

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Virgil delicately folded the paper in front of him, ever so often glancing up at Logan, who was at the other end of the room sitting at his desk and doing work, to see if he noticed. Once Virgil finished he lifted his arm, aimed, and with the flick of the wrist, he sent it gliding through the air.

It landed on Logan's desk, directly where his eyes were looking. Virgil looked down quickly and began to doodle to try and act innocent. It didn't work, as he and Logan were the only ones in the room.

Sighing softly Logan undid the plane, wrote a note inside of it, folded it again and sent it back.

Virgil flinched, not expecting Logan to send it back, he heard him unfold it so he thought he trashed it. Virgil softly unfolded it and saw the note.


Smiling he wrote underneath

What r u doing?

Folding it back up he flew it across the room, landing it on his desk. Virgil knew Logan would be annoyed by his improper grammar but he didn't care. Annoying Logan was a favorite pass time of his.

Logan read the note and Virgil saw him sigh and shake his head, writing something back. Virgil silently chuckled and opened the plane once it landed on his desk.


What kind of work?

He sent it back and Logan sighed, making Virgil smile.

Important work.

He had written, Virgil wrote something back and sent it over

Sounds boring

Well, it needs to be done.

What work could you possibly be doing? If it was important shouldnt you be doing it with Thomas?

Shouldn't has an apostrophe, and yes I suppose I should be but Thomas is quite busy at the moment.

With what? Watching Steven universe? Eating pizza? On Twitter?

He is on a date.


Yes, that is what I wrote down.

And he didnt tell me?

I assume he did not want you to know because you would make him feel anxious.


Do not take it personally, Virgil. He really wants this to go well, please just leave him be?

Fine i guess

Don't act like that.

Like what?

That, you are in a mood, like a child who is not allowed to eat sweets.


Logan sighed, looking up at Virgil who was grumpily staring at his paper, doodling a few things. Logan looked back down at the paper and wrote something he'd hopefully not regret later.

Are you okay?

im fine

Are you sure? ♡♡


I can tell that you are not in fact "fine". Please Virgil, Thomas did not mean anything bad, he did not want to hurt you but he really wants this night to go smoothly. Trust me, all of us took it badly but I knew he meant no harm.

Wait he didnt tell you? or anyone else?

No, he didn't want anyone to know, so please don't tell him I told you.


Logan smiled, looking up at Virgil who looked up also. They caught eye sight, both of them blushing and looking away again.

Thank you, Virgil.

Yeah yeah whatever

Logan hesitated but wrote down what he was thinking.

I love you.

Virgil smiled

I love you too nerd

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