Fireworks - Roman x Logan x Virgil x Patton

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"Why are we here?" Logan questioned, looking around the barren landscape. Thomas walked up and stood next to his logical side, in front of them was a wide, dusty, gray path, either side of the path was overgrown grass with patches of yellow.

The path wasn't long and if you kept walking for fifteen feet you'd reach the end, a straight drop into the ocean. "This is the best place to see the fireworks" Thomas replied, lifting his arm and pointing at the distant land across the water.

"If we want to be alone, of course" he added, smiling.

"We haven't been here before" Patton noted, smiling happily as he bounded across the path to the edge, where he looked down into the sea which softly crashed against the stone wall.

"Be careful Patton!" Virgil called, worried that me might fall. Patton took a few steps back and smiled at scenery. It was calm, no one else was around and the noise and smell of the sea was nice.

Roman helped Thomas grab some chairs and place them a good amount of space from the edge. "What if we get murdered?" Virgil mumbled, sitting in the middle seat, he'd rather be farthest away from the tall grass which could hide anything.

Aka, murderers.

"Do not worry my dear emo nightmare! I will protect us all!" Roman declared, taking a seat on the left end. Patton giggled and sat next to Virgil, wrapping an arm around the slightly scared trait.

"I'm sure we'll be fine, and Roman is good at fighting!"

"If it makes you feel more relaxed, I am to good at fighting" Logan added and sat next to Virgil. Thomas grabbed some snakes and drinks, sitting on the right end next to Logan.

"When do they start?" Virgil mumbled easing into the seat and grabbing a few snacks.

Thomas checked his phone, "five minutes but they're usually late with these things"

Virgil nodded and ate some food, staring into the distance. The sky was becoming darker, with the sun setting, purple, blue, red, orange and yellow mixing together to make a beautiful color in the sky.

"I spy with my little eye something beginning with G!" Patton grinned.

"Grass" Logan replied instantly.

Patton gasped, "how did you know?!"

"I wonder" Logan replied, smiling slightly at Patton. Patton told Logan to go and he sighed, looking around until he got something.

"I spy with my little eye something beginning with A"

"Apple tree!" Roman quickly started, Logan shook his head.

"Aqua?" Thomas went, Logan shook his head again.

"Air!" Patton said, "you can't see air, love" Logan stated.

It went on for awhile until they all gave up, "aglet" he proudly said.

"Aglet?" Roman mumbled, confused.

"A-G-L-E-T DON'T FORGET IT!" Patton suddenly yelled the lyrics to a song, grinning and laughing.

"Aglet - the plastic or metal tube on the end of a shoelace" he explained, pointing to Thomas's shoes.

They played a few more rounds until the first firework went off, making Virgil flinch.

"Aw! They're so beautiful!" Patton gushed, his eyes glued to the bright lights in the sky.

"Not as beautiful as you" Roman smirked, "that's arrogant and sappy of you" Virgil retorted.

"Well I am beautiful" Roman did the pose with his arms. Virgil rolled his eyes and stared at the fireworks. "That is a compliment to all of us, so thank you, Roman" Logan smiled slightly.

"You're welcome Nerd, see! Someone's polite!"

"Thank you Ro!" Patton grinned, his eyes still not leaving the fireworks. "Thank you? I guess" Thomas chuckled. Virgil didn't bother to thank him and all went silent to watch the amazing fireworks.

After the last one Thomas stood up and stretched. Virgil had fallen asleep and Patton was near that stage as well, leaning on Virgil tiredly. Roman picked up Virgil while Logan helped Patton to the car, Thomas taking the chairs.

"Thank you, Thomas. That was magnificent" Roman commented, sitting in the back with Virgil on his lap.

"Aw, you're welcome Roman!" Thomas happily smiled, sitting in the driving seat. Logan sat next to Roman in the middle, setting Patton on the seat next to him but he crawled onto Logan's lap, facing Roman and Virgil.

"Patton" Logan sighed, Patton giggled tiredly and cuddled into his chest, putting his legs on Virgils who sat with his back leaning on Romans chest. Thomas looked at them all and his smile widened, cooing slightly.

"I'll drive slow" he quietly whispered.

Halfway through the drive Logan's eyes became tired and he leaned on Roman, closing his eyes. Roman smiled and, with an arm still around Virgil, he wrapped an arm around Logan and leaned his head on his, falling asleep also.

Thomas didn't have the heart to wake them up so he let them sleep in the car all night.


I wonder what it would be like to add Thomas to the shipping...🤔

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