Spider - No Ship

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Trigger warning: spiders

All the sides were doing their own thing, Logan was in his room doing work because a few days ago he had broken his leg (Romans fault) and was rendered immobilised. Roman was off in the imagination saving a princess while Patton and Virgil were in the living room.

Virgil on his phone and Patton watching cartoons.

Patton flinched when he heard Virgil scream, the Dad like trait turned to him, worried.

"What is it, kiddo!?" He asked frantically.

"SPIDER!" Virgil replied, jumping up. Patton whipped his head to where Virgil was pointing and screamed himself. The two ran to the kitchen where Thomas was trying to cook a meal, emphasis on trying.

"THOMAS!" Virgil yelled, grabbing a knife and hugging him tightly. "Kiddo! There's a spider in your living room!" Patton said, also grabbing a knife and hugging the other side of Thomas.

He stood there, stunned and a bit scared to do anything. He tensed his body when Virgil gripped him like a vice, not expecting him to do that and tensed even further when Patton hugged him also.

"Uh...guys?" Thomas asked, looking at the two as they fearfully looked around the room, gripping the knifes tightly.

"Shh, the spider will hear us!" Patton whispered, Thomas was scared of spiders as much as Virgil and Patton but not when the spider was in another room.

"Can't Logan help?"

"Injured" Virgil replied, shuffling closer to Thomas if it was possible.

"Uh, Roman?"

"Off fighting to save a princess" Patton replied this time. Thomas sighed and turned off the oven, grabbing himself a knife.

"We should fight it on our own, then" Thomas stated, the other two stared at him like he was crazy.

"What? We can't just leave it there!"

Patton and Virgil reluctantly followed Thomas into the room, the spider had moved up the wall a bit more and all three froze, staring directly at the fly blood sucking creature.

They didn't move for the longest of time until they all took a small step forward.

"We are pathetic" Virgil eventually mumbled but still made no means of moving closer. Thomas threw the knife pathetically at the creature, missed it and watched it fall to the ground.

"Um, why don't we all leave until Roman comes back?" Patton offered.



Virgil and Thomas said at the same time, both looking at each other afterward. "What do you mean no?"

"What do you mean yes?"

They said, again, at the same time. "Because!" They both whined.

"We can't leave it here! What if it hides and makes babies?" Thomas argued.

"Princey can deal with that when it happens" Virgil argued back. As the two carried on fighting Patton slowly walked up to the spider and plunged the knife into it, he dashed away and hid behind Thomas.

"You did it" Virgil mumbled in astonishment, looking at the knife which was stuck into the wall.

"I'm not touching it" they all said at the same time, looking at each other they vanished to hide in Thomas's mind.

Later that day Logan limped to the kitchen to get some food, he passed the living room and saw the knife. On closer inspection he saw the spider and sighed.

"Arachnophobia will be the death of us all"


I diiid it :p

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