Scary - Virgil x Roman

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Roman leaned forward and pressed his forehead against Virgils, smiling. Virgil smiled back and they wrapped their arms around each other, laying comfortably in Romans bed, the light from the moon letting them gaze into each others eyes easily.

The entire room was silent, not a noise could be heard from anywhere.

Roman shut his eyes for a few seconds and out of nowhere Virgil suddenly sneezed really loudly making Roman scream in fright and fall off of the bed.

Virgil froze for a few seconds, realising what just happened and bursting into laughter, clutching his stomach. Roman groaned at sat up, looking at Virgil who was silently laughing, breathing in short gasps.

Roman sneered at him and stood up, rubbing his elbow which he whacked on the floor, the pain shot through his arm. Sitting on the bed Virgil laid on his back and laughed harder, his laugh was so contagious Roman began to chuckle and lay down.

"I'm sorry" Virgil chuckled, rubbing his eyes. "Wait, no I'm not, that was gold!" He laughed again and Roman sighed, tugging the blanket over him and rolling over so his back was facing Virgil.

After Virgil calmed down he stared at Romans back, lifting his hand he drew patterns into it, making Roman smile and hum in content.

"Face me again" Virgil complained, Roman rolled over, Virgil didn't expect him to wrap his arms around him in a tight hold and pull him so he was on top of his body, leaning up and kissing him softly.

"I love you, Dearest" he whispered, running his hand through Virgils hair.

Virgil rolled his eyes, blushing. "I love you too, Puppy"


See! It's happy!

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