Laughing Gas - Logan x Roman

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The sides were lounging about on the couch when a giggling Logan walked in, he was grinning and laughing which is weird as he doesn't do that often.

"What's so funny, Logan?" Patton asked, sitting upside down on the couch. 

Logan tried to reply but began laughing again, he sat on Romans lap and laughed, hard.

Roman smiled, he enjoyed hearing him laugh but it was very rare, he wondered what had given Logan the giggles.

"Has he finally lost it?" Virgil asked, watching Logan grab Romans arms and laugh.

"I have no idea" Roman replied, staring at Logan who rested his head on Romans shoulder and cackled.

"I-I can't-stop!" He managed to get out, looking at Roman while laughing.

"Just think about something sad, like Roman dying or something" Logan didn't stop laughing and Roman feigned offence.

"I-I am sor-" he giggled and leaned back, Roman wrapping his arms around him so he didn't fall.

Soon his laughter began to make Patton giggle along with him, laughter can be contagious. "Oh...didn't Thomas get some laughing gas recently?" Virgil questioned, Logan pointed at him and nodded while clutching his stomach. 

Roman kept a soft smile on his face and kissed him, Logan giggled against his lips making Roman smile more. "He's adorable!" Patton squealed, sitting up.

It took awhile for Logan to calm down and once he did he rested fully against Roman, feeling exhausted. "I will never laugh again" he mumbled into his shoulder, this made the others chuckle.

"I mean it!" He added, sitting up and crossing his arms, pouting. Roman smiled and shook his head.

"But Gumdrop, I have come to like your laugh" 

"All of our laughs sound the same!"

"No, they don't" Roman smirked.

"Wh-....Yes, yes they do"


Logan breathed in deeply, "I am going to leave before I punch you" He tried to get up but Roman held him close.

"Your laugh is very cute"

"Our laughs sound exactly the same, Roman"

"No! Your laugh is higher pitched" Roman grinned, Logan sighed and looked away.

"Whatever you say, Romeo"


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