Overwhelmed - Patton x Virgil

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Patton had recently been feeling very overwhelmed, with keeping his emotions under control, making sure the others were okay, he was also feeling stressed from how much he had to do.

He slowly fell to the floor in his room, holding his head in his hands and breathing in deeply.

"Keep calm, Patton" he whispered, falling forward slightly. His forehead rested against his carpeted floor and his body began to shake along with his breathing.

"Keep calm, Patton" he repeated over and over but it wasn't working, "please keep calm" he whispered, tears pouring from his eyes. He hasn't cried in awhile, mostly because he doesn't like to cry in front of anyone, he wants others to feel like they could go to him about their problems without worrying about his own.

In the real world Thomas was having a panic attack along with Patton, Roman instantly went to help him while Virgil watched, very confused. If he wasn't having the panic attack why would Thomas have one? He shouldn't be having one, everything was fine.


Virgil sunk down into the mind and into Pattons room, worriedly looking at Patton who was rocking back and forth on the floor, crying loudly.

Virgil knelt by him, wrapping his arms around the crying side and whispering that he will be okay, and how to control his breathing. He has had plenty of panic attacks in he past to know what people need to hear while having one.


"Shh, don't speak, control your breathing first, okay Bambi?" He whispered, rubbing his back soothingly. Patton nodded and coughed and spluttered, gripping Virgil tightly while he breathed in deeply, clenching his eyes shut.

"Are you okay?" Virgil asked once Patton had calmed down. "I-I-I'm f-...no...I'm not" Virgil frowned and hugged him closer.

"What's wrong?"

He breathed in a shaky breath and explained what he had been going through the past week, Virgil nodding every so often and hugging him tighter when he had finished.

"Bambi, why didn't you tell me? I tell you my problems and you tell me yours, that's what we promised each other" Virgil said, looking down at him.

Patton nodded and sat up, sitting on Virgils lap still. "I know, I'm sorry! I just don't like seeing you worry, and I don't want people worrying over me"

"I always worry over you, Pat, it is kinda my job as...anxiety and being your boyfriend" he blushed lightly, "promise you'll tell me whenever you feel* like this in the future?"

(*feel is the 420th word 😎)

"I promise, angel" Patton replied, pecking his cheek.


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