Bigger Bed - Roman x Thomas x Logan x Virgil x Patton

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Thomas and his sides were asleep on Romans bed, he did have the biggest out of all of them but it still wasn't big enough, they all had to cuddle up to each other which wasn't really a problem at the beginning but anyone who has cuddled before will know you split apart during the night.

Logan and Roman were on either ends, if they even moved back the tiniest bit they would be off the bed completely, which was why they were clinging onto the person in front of them, but when they moved...Logan and Roman were off.

"Oww" they both groaned, turning their heads to see the other through the gap under the bed. All they could see was a dark figure and both of them screamed, jumping up.


"Logan?" They said at the same time, sighing in relief and feeling like idiots.

The screams woke the others who stared at them confused, "why are you guys up? It's three in the morning" Thomas mumbled, stretching his body. Roman rolled his eyes and Logan sat back on the bed, rubbing his own eyes.

"I fell off" they both said.

"We need to invest in a bigger bed" Virgil mumbled into his pillow.

Roman smirked and stood up, flicking on the lights, earning groans from all of them. He tugged the blanket off their bodies and they all groaned and complained again.

Roman only shook his head and picked up one end of the bed, they all fell off and onto the floor, Logan at the bottom and Virgil on the top, Thomas and Patton in the middle.

"ROMAN!" They all yelled.

"What? I'm getting a bigger bed" Roman shrugged, making his bed disappear. He hummed in thought and moved his bedside tables away, along with the chest at the bottom of his bed.

"What are you doing?" Patton asked Roman as he picked him up and placed him on the couch he had in his room. Roman did the same to the others and they watched from the couch as Roman made a "couch" appear, or what looked like a couch.

It was square, like four large couches were pushed together with the middle filled up as well. Like a square bed and the backs of couches on all sides. If that makes sense.

(*cough* imagine that gap wasn't there *cough)

(*cough* imagine that gap wasn't there *cough)

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"Whaaaat?" Virgil asked, standing by it. Roman made a massive blanket appear along with a bunch of pillows and threw them aimlessly across the bed, Virgil slowly smirked and went under the blanket, crawling to the middle.

"This is so comfy!" He called but his voice was muffled. Patton giggled and jumped on, sitting in the farthest corner and snuggling into the soft material.

Roman held his arm out, an invitation for Logan and Thomas to get in. Logan did while Thomas kissed his cheek.

"You're amazing" he smiled, Roman smiled back.

"Thank you, Bunny" Thomas smiled wider and climbed onto the square sofa bed.

Turning off the lights Roman jumped on and they all fell asleep, enough room for them to move around as much as they wanted.


Two more!

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