Camping - Patton x Roman

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"It's so hot" Virgil complained, Patton giggled while Logan let out a sigh.

"Virgil, you saying it's so hot will not make it any less hot" Virgil didn't say anything for a few seconds and Logan thought he had finally shut him up until

"It's too hot!"

"Why don't you take your jacket off, kiddo?" Patton smiled, walking next to him. "No" Virgil replied sternly, hugging the jacket closer but regretting it as he groaned about the heat once more.

"I think this will be a good place to set up camp" Thomas said, stopping on the first bit of flat land they have come across in awhile. "Agreed, Patton, Roman you take the two man tent while me, Thomas and Virgil will take the tree man tent"

"Why man tent? Can't it be human tent?" Patton joked, Logan didn't reply and let Roman mess around with the tent. Patton watched in amusement.

"I think you just pull this th- AHH!" Roman yelled when the tent popped open in his face, it landed on the ground and Roman held a hand over his heart.

"Ah ha! Just call me the best tent make the world has ever seen" Roman smiled proudly, motioning his hands to the red tent. Logan gave him a look and pinched his nose, sighing.

"Roman, it's a pop up tent, you did nothing that correlates to actually putting up a tent"

Roman feigned hurt and Patton giggled, kissing Romans cheek. "I think you did awesomely!" Roman returned his smile before the two set to work, using the curvy things to hold down the tent so it doesn't blow away in the wind.

They put in the sleeping bags and pillows, their bags which held clothes and food, and a few other things like torches and such. Once finishing, Patton and Roman sat in their tent, watching the other three trying to set it up.

"No no no! It goes in this way, not that way" Logan scolded Virgil, showing him the instructions.

"If you are the expert why don't you do it?" Virgil retorted but did it anyway, Logan helped Thomas and after a lot of struggling and arguing the tent was finally up.

"Took you guys long enough" Roman smirked, Virgil sneered at him. "You barely did anything"

"We stuck it down"

"Oh, because that's sooo hard" Virgil sarcastically retorted, already getting onto his bed and hiding under the covers.

"When are we having s'mores?" Patton happily held up the two bags of marshmallows, he hadn't had s'mores in ages and it was the only thing he was excited for - and bonding with the others of course. But food seemed more important.

"We have to make a fire first" Logan stated.

"Don't worry everyone, you can leave that to me!" Roman jumped up, Patton grinned while sneakily eating a marshmallow. Just as Roman was about to find wood he heard Virgil mumble

"We weren't worrying"

Thomas helped Roman find wood while Logan set up rocks in a circle for the fire, once the wood was collected Roman and Logan sat opposite each other around the fire.

"First cut a v-shaped notch into the fire board and make a small depression adjacent to it" Logan told Roman but Roman completely ignored him, bringing out the box of matches be brought, set fire to a few leaves which caught onto the food.

"Fine, do it the boring way" Logan shuffled back, staring at the fire which reflected on his glasses.

"I smell fire!" Patton opened his tent, throwing the bags of marshmallows out and getting a few blankets for everyone.

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