Protective - Logan x Virgil

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Ever since Virgil and Logan started dating Logan had been very protective over him. Logan made sure he went to bed at the correct time, he made sure he wouldn't listen to his music so loudly, he wouldn't let anyone hug him but himself, etc etc.

One day Logan and Virgil were cuddling on Logan's bed, Virgil laying comfortably on him while Logan ran his fingers through his silk-like purple hair. "Logan?" Virgil mumbled, lifting his head up to stare at his boyfriend.

"Yes, Virgil?"

"I'm hungry" he replied, sitting up on Logan.

"I will get you something-"

"Logan, no" Virgil chuckled shortly, getting up. Logan sat up and opened his mouth to protest but Virgil spoke first.

"I'm going to get fat and be more lazy if you keep doing stuff for me, I'll be back in five minutes" Virgil left and Logan sighed, laying back down and paying attention to the tv.

Virgil walked into the living room to find Roman pacing around, Virgil hid a smirk and crossed his arms. "What's up now sir sing a lot?"

Roman spun around to face him, his hair a mess. "Nothing you would care about nor would concern you" he spat harshly, Virgil rose his eyebrow.

"Someone's in a mood" He muttered but Roman heard him.

"I am not in a mood! I am merely thinking, something that you do to much of"

"Oh" Virgil fake chuckled, "that's why I smelt burning" Romans jaw clenched.

"Anxiety, I was perfectly fine alone before you showed up! Do you purposely make everyone around you annoyed? Or is it just your presence that's absolutely infuriating?" Roman growled.

Virgil frowned, actually hurt from what Roman had said. Thomas appeared in the room a few seconds later, looking confused.

"I suddenly feel sad, why?" He asked, turning to Roman. Roman groaned and slid a hand down his face. "What does it take to get some alone time around here!"

Logan realised Virgil had been gone for awhile so he got up out of bed and headed down the hallway, he heard voices from the living room so he walked in, instantly seeing his boyfriend with his head down and a frown on his lips, next he saw Roman and Thomas talking to each other, Roman a bit heated.

"Is everything okay, love?" Virgil looked at Logan, giving him a look which Logan knew well. Opening his arms Virgil shuffled into them, hiding his face in his neck. Logan turned to Roman and Thomas, eyes narrowed.

"Which one of you made my Virgil upset?"

"Oh, more people!"

"Answer. The. Question" Logan spoke sternly, gripping Virgil in a tight, comforting hug.

Roman sighed, "I might've said something to upset him, but I didn't mean it! I was, and still am, angry!"

Logan glared at him, "apologies"


"Now" Logan said with a voice that brook no argument. Roman sighed and rubbed his eyes with one hand.

"I am sorry, okay?"

"Say it with meaning"

"With mean-..." he sighed, "Virgil I am terribly sorry for the nasty, hateful words that came out of my mouth! I promise you that it will never happen again!"

"Again, this time without the sarcasm"


"FATHER!" Patton appeared, grinning.

"Logan, s'fine. His "apology" was amusing" Virgil mumbled, still not moving his head from Logan's neck. Logan was still mad at Roman but as long as Virgil was okay.

"Do not insult him again or-"

"Or you'll do something really threatening blah, blah blah" Roman sighed.

Logan nodded, "correct" with that he and Virgil left the room back to Logan's.

Roman glanced at Thomas and Patton, Thomas looked at him and saw the whirlwind of emotions in his eyes. With a weak smile Roman left Thomas and Patton alone.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Logan asked again, both of them in the same position from earlier.

"Logan, I swear to god" Virgil mumbled, shaking his head. "I apologise, but I am just worried"

"S'fine Lo, I love you" Logan smiled

"As I you, Virgil"


Heyyy finally updated woooooo, sorry about the delay!

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