Confession - Logan x Virgil

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Today was the day.

Today was the day Logan and Virgil had decided to tell the others about their secret relationship that has been going on for a few weeks. Virgil was a nervous wreck while Logan didn't really feel any different.

"Shall I say?" Logan asked his boyfriend, reaching over to hold his hand. He knew that Virgil preferred physical contact when he was nervous.

"Yes" he mumbled, squeezing Logan's hand a slight bit. Logan had called for Roman, Patton and Thomas a few minutes before so they should be here by now.

"Thomas I'm only saying you need to do more plays!" Logan heard Romans voice from down the hall.

"Roman, we'll talk about it later" Thomas replied.

They appeared from the hallway into the room, Patton sitting opposite Logan and Virgil. He instantly noticed Virgils nervous posture and frowned

"Is everything alright, kiddos?"

"Everything is fine, we have something to tell you all" Logan replied. Roman and Thomas sat next to Patton, Roman also catching sight of Virgils nervousness.

"What's wrong with Dr. Doom and gloom?"

"Nothing" Virgil snapped, shuffling closer to Logan.

"We have something to tell you" Logan stated, staring at them individually.

"Virgil and I are dating" Logan smiled, reaching to hold Virgils hand again. Patton squeaked in delight, holding his hands to his face.

"Aw!!! You guys, that's so cute!" He giggled.

"Wednesday Addams getting a boyfriend before I? Oh! The horror!" Roman held a hand to his forehead and Virgil rolled his eyes.

"Roman, we've been dating for a year" Patton giggled, Roman stopped being dramatic. "Oh yeah"

"Wait, a year? And you didn't tell us?" Thomas exclaimed

"We thought it was obvious!" Roman fired back.

Thomas shook his head and turned back to the other two.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" He grinned.

Virgil blushed lightly and hid his face in Logan's shoulder, Patton cooed with Thomas and Roman smiled slightly.

"See? I told you you had nothing to worry about" Logan whispered to Virgil, holding him tightly.

"Shut up, nerd"





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