Non-Binary - No Ship

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"Does Virgil mind?"

"No, he doesn't"

Virgil cringed when they heard Roman call them a "he". They're non-binary but they're too nervous and anxious to tell anyone so they keep it a secret. It angers them sometimes but they couldn't blame the others, the sides don't know they don't like being called he/him.

One day all the sides were in Thomas's living room, Virgil not really contributing to the conversation as usual. "If we're all planning tomorrow shouldn't Virgil join in?" Patton asked, Virgil glanced at Patton and shrugged.

"He doesn't care where we go, he only cares if there are other people" Roman answered for him, Virgil gritted their teeth every time Roman said he.

"I know but we should still get his opinion" Patton replied, "what if we go somewhere he doesn't like?" He added

"I would rather not hear him complain when we get there, to wherever we are going" Logan joined in.

"Ugh, fiiiiine" Roman sighed, "ask him" he grumbled, sitting back and crossing his arms.

Virgils jaw clenched and they finally lost it. "Stop calling me a he!" They yelled, glaring at all of them. The others stared at them in surprise and slight confusion.

"Would you...rather be called a she?" Logan carefully asked, Virgils never complained about this prior so all the sides thought they didn't mind.

"No.." Virgil mumbled, letting their eyes drift downward, not wanting to meet the judgemental looks from the others even if they only existed in their mind.

"Would you prefer it if we called you they?" Thomas questioned in a soft, caring voice. Virgil slowly nodded their head, sinking into their jacket.

"Kiddo!" Patton sat next to them, "why didn't you tell us sooner?" He wrapped Virgil in a hug and Virgil appreciated it greatly. "I dunno it's just...I was anxious, no big shock there" they mumbled, still not meeting the others gazes.

"Did you think we would not except you? Did you forget that Thomas has non-binary friends?" Logan inquired, Virgil shrugged.

"I didn't want you to react badly is all" they murmured, finally lifting their eyes up. Thomas gave them a reassuring smile and hugged them also.

"Virgil, we would never react badly to something like that! You have to have more trust in us"

"I know" Virgil sighed and gave Thomas a small smile.

"I do trust you, all of you, I'm only anxious, thanks for...accepting me" they added.

"Of course J Delightful!" Roman replied loudly, hand gestures and all.

"You don't have to be dramatic all the time" Virgil huffed but it felt nice to be accepted by everyone.

"Anxiety, if you didn't realise" Roman put on sunglasses, "it is in my job description to be dramatic"


I did iiiiiiiiit )^o^(

Thanks for the request!

Btw if there is any time in this one where I accidentally call Virgil a he outside of the talking please tell me!!!

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Btw if there is any time in this one where I accidentally call Virgil a he outside of the talking please tell me!!!

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