My Favourite Teacher - Logan x Virgil

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Virgil was excited and nervous to go into school today as today was the day a new teacher was coming. His class would be right next to his, hopefully they could become friends and he'd be a nice teacher.

He went to his classroom and unlocked the door, flicking on the lights. He didn't notice he had a little follower who slipped past him and sat at the back, setting his bag down quietly.

Virgil turned on his computer and jumped when he saw Patton, he smiled. "Sup Pat"

Patton smiled at him and went back to his homework he didn't do at home. Virgil played games on his computer until he heard footsteps coming down the hallway and the sound of the principles voice.

Patton whipped his head up and hid under the desk, "good morning, Virgil" the principle greeted, another man standing next to him. The new teacher, Virgil thought, biting his lip.

"Morning Sir" Virgil did his two finger salute.

The principle looked around the room, "if you see Patton tell him to stop by my office"

"What has he done now?" Virgil asked, knowing whatever Patton did wasn't his fault.

"He hurt Alice"

"Sir" Virgil shook his head, "you can't believe her, can you? She causes trouble for everyone, don't let her bring Patton down" Virgil begged, the principle sighed.

"You're right but I still need to talk to him" The principle left and showed the new teacher his classroom before disappearing down the hallway.

"You can come out now" Patton stood up and sighed, sitting in his seat. Virgil gave him a sympathetic smile and told him he'd be back in five minutes.

Walking across the hallway to the classroom, Virgil leaned on the door frame and watched the new teacher push the tables around a bit.

"I am surprised the principle did not see him" The new teacher stated, not needing to turn around to know Virgil was in the doorway.

"Oh...why didn't you say anything?" Virgil pondered, walking in the class. The teacher turned to him and smiled, shrugging lightly.

"I watched what happened this morning, Alice hurt him, he pushed her back in self defence. I am more then happy to back him up if needs be" Virgil thanked him.

"I am Logan, by the way"

"I'm Virgil, as you probably know" Virgil shrugged, "nice classroom" he complimented.

The two talked for longer and Virgil helped him set up his classroom before the bell went. Saying goodbye Virgil went to his class, Patton had already left so he prepared for his first lesson.

Every morning, break and lunch the two teachers hung out, getting to know each other more and more, sometimes during lessons Virgil would look through his window on the door to look into Logan's class to see him standing and talking.

Then when he looked away Logan looked at him and smiled.

On the last day before summer Virgil was turning off his computer when Logan walked in.

"Sup, nerd" He smirked, standing up and walking to the teacher. Logan smiled and leaned in, kissing him on the lips. It was short and Logan placed a small piece of paper in his hands, winking while saying. "Call me"

Virgil watched him leave with a dark blush and a small smile. He did call him, and through the summer they spent most of their time with each other.

To Virgil, it was the best summer he had ever had.


I diiiidd iiit!!

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