The Best Problem - Patton x Roman

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I just wanna say before this OneShot starts incase you want to know how much of an idiot I am I nearly started a new book because I forgot how to make new chapters 🙃👍🏻



"This is a big problem"

"I agree, this is...this is just, for lack of a better word, horrific"

"That pretty much sums it up"

Virgil, Logan, Roman and Thomas stared at the three large huskies that sat on the couch, tongues out and tails wagging. They had found the dogs whimpering outside of the door, Logan suspects they're lost.

"We should tell Patton" Roman stated, turning to the others.

"No, no no, bad idea-"

"You called kiddos-..." Patton caught sight of the dogs and stopped talking, his jaw slaking and his eyes slowly widening. Logan sighed and blocked his ears with his fingers.

"AWWWWWWW" he screamed, rushing to the dogs and petting each of them, rubbing their tummies and scratching their ears, showing each of them love.

"Quickly, tell them they are not ours before he gets attached" Logan said, staring at the scene.

"Too late" Thomas mumbled.

Roman walked over to Patton and softly dragged him away from the dogs, Patton stared at him then the others in confusion.

"Why did you get dogs? I'm not complaining! This is awesome! What are their names? Are they girls or boys?" He gasped "do they like cuddling?!" He stared at Roman in excitement, his happiness dying down once he saw Roman look away with a frown.

"They're not ours...are they?" He asked.

"I'm sorry dearest, they uh...we found them, outside" Roman explained, reaching forward to hold his hand. Patton frowned and stared at the dogs he somehow had already come attached to.

"Me and Thomas shall make fliers, you all keep the dogs occupied" Logan said, he and Thomas leaving to print fliers.

Virgil gave Patton a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry, Dad. Sir sing a lot should've told you sooner"

"Hey! Do not bring the blame to me!"

"It's okay" Patton smiled, petting the dogs softly again. "They have a family...and hey! If the owners don't show up we get to keep them, right?" He happily asked, turning to Roman with hope gleaming in his eyes.

Prior to Patton showing up they all agreed if they couldn't find the owners they'd sent the dogs to a shelter, they didn't have the heart to split them up and they couldn't look after three dogs.

Roman was about to tell him no when Virgil cut in. "Yeah, sure Dad" he smiled slightly.

Patton giggled when the dog licked his hand, Roman did think that Pattons love for dogs and how he treated them was adorable.

Virgil and Roman watched Patton sit down with the dogs, how they all cuddled up to him. Roman didn't think he'd ever see Patton so happy.

"Patton, dear, please don't get too attached..." Roman trailed off, knowing Patton wasn't listening. Not intentionally of course, he was to occupied with the dogs who were cuddled around him.

A few hours passed, Roman and Virgil watched Patton play with the dogs knowing it was a terrible idea but none had the heart to stop him. Thomas and Logan had gone out and put the fliers up around town, hoping the owners would call sooner then later.

Later on in the day when Patton was cuddled up with the dogs on the couch the phone began to ring.

"That must be the owners" Logan stood up and answered. Patton heart sank.

"Hello? Yes, is this about the dogs?...yes....okay....bye" Logan hung up and turned to the others.

"They will be here in five minutes, Patton I advise you say your farewells" Logan explained, looking at Patton who already had tears brimming his eyes.

Roman stood behind the couch and leaned down, kissing Pattons cheek. "I'm sorry love, we will get a dog soon, okay?" Patton nodded slowly and awed quietly when the dogs cuddled closer to him.

"A dog? But we-" Logan began but Roman gave him a look which shut him up instantly. The dog owners came around sooner then expected and Patton was a mess, hugging the dogs like he had known them for years.

The owners didn't mind, and they actually felt kind of bad. As soon as they left Roman hugged Patton to his chest, whispering that the dogs are happy to go to their family and how they would get a dog just for him.

Logan still mumbled on how getting a dog would be a bad idea but not loud enough for Patton to hear.

Patton sniffled, "I miss them"

"I am sure they miss you too" Roman replied quietly, wiping away Pattons tears.

"I know something that will cheer you up" Roman said, grinning.

"What?" Patton rubbed his eyes, smiling.

"Well looking at adorable dogs in baskets, of course!" He declared.

"And baby pandas! And baby pigs!" Thomas called

"Piglets" Logan corrected.

"Even nerd over there wants to join in" Roman smirked.

"No I-" he sighed and shook his head, muttering something to himself.

That's how they spent the afternoon, looking through different pictures of adorable baby animals, Roman never getting bored or annoyed by the little 'aww's and cooes from Patton.

Also I saw this on twitter (that corrected itself to tweeter) and thought it was cute idk

-- Also I saw this on twitter (that corrected itself to tweeter) and thought it was cute idk

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Happy...birthday, yep 👍🏻

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