Can't Sleep - Logan x Patton

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Logan was half awake, he had only tried to get to sleep a few minutes ago and he was in the middle of being awake and being asleep. He mindlessly rolled over to get more comfortable and gasped when he saw his door open and a dark figure in the doorway.

He calmed down when he realised it was Patton, he was rubbing one eye while holding his cuddly toy in the other.

"Logan?" He whispered, Logan for whatever reason didn't respond, he wanted to know what Patton would do.

"Logan?" He called again, closing the door and padding over to the bed. In the darkness Patton couldn't see Logan's eyes were open and staring right at him.

"You're asleep" he mumbled, hugging his toy to his chest and looking over his shoulder.

"Could I sleep with you?" Patton asked which confused Logan, why would he ask when he thought I was asleep?

"I had a nightmare" he carried on, Logan listened intently even if Patton thought he was talking to no one, he just needed to talk and if a sleeping Logan was the best he got he'll make do.

He sniffled, "it wasn't nice...please, Logan" Patton begged, glancing over his shoulder more and more.

"I'm scared"

That was what made Logan sit up and pull Patton into his arms, bringing the blanket over him and hugging him for a few seconds. Patton happily leaned into him, feeling a little less frightened.

They laid down and Patton rested his head on Logan's chest, using one hand to hold his teddy and the other to wrap an arm around Logan. "Thank you" Patton whispered, closing his eyes and relaxing against his protector.

Logan put an arm loosely around Patton, not really knowing how to comfort him but all Patton needed was to be close to him. Whenever Patton was close to Logan he always felt safe...

"Goodnight" Patton whispered tiredly, drifting off to sleep.

"Goodnight, Patton" Logan whispered, it took him longer to fall asleep as he was slightly uncomfortable but he didn't want to disturb Patton, for some reason. He felt the need to...make sure he was okay, and safe, which he has never felt before.

Sighing quietly, Logan fell asleep.

He woke up the next morning with Patton nowhere to be seen but there was a note next to his glasses.

Morning Logan! I don't know if you were to tired to understand what you did doing last night but thank you, it helped out a lot. :P :) :3

Logan smiled, if Patton ever came back he'd always let him stay.


Meh, I thought it was cute!

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