Show Choir - Virgil x Logan

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Trigger warning: bullies

"I don't know how you managed to convince me to do this" Virgil grumbled, looking up at the door which led to where the show choir members hung out at. Patton grinned at his best friend, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"I'm glad I did! You have an amazing voice, Verge!" Virgil only rolled his eyes and sighed, giving his only friend a smile.

"Whatever, I'll be the worst"

"Oh sshh! Don't say that! You'll do great!" Patton opened the door and walked in, dragging a reluctant Virgil behind him.

Everyone in the room turned to stare, they all knew a new member was joining but none of them expected it to be Virgil. Roman, one of Pattons closer friends, walked up first, grinning while holding his arms behind his back.

"Greetings, Patton! Is this the new member?" He asked, his voice loud and confident. Oh why had Virgil let Patton drag him here? He would much rather be hanging out alone in the library, listening to MCR or something.

"Yep!" Patton said, popping the P and pushing Virgil in the room more, he fiddled with his sleeve and looked at the ground like it was the most interesting thing.

"Virgil? Or as everyone calls you, 'the emo loner'" Roman stated, Virgil scowled quietly and Patton narrowed his eyes slightly. "Roman, that is no way to speak to him! Apologise!"


"Now" - Patton has always been like this, he acted like a happy child most of the time but knew when to be strict, like he was an actual Dad.

Roman sighed, "I'm sorry, silent boy" he shrugged and spun around, heading to his friend Thomas.

"I'm sorry kiddo, he's usually like this...but he'll warm up to you!"

"I'm sure" Virgil rolled his eyes and sighed, looking at Patton. "Look, Pat-"

"Virgil, correct?" Virgil heard a voice, he turned his head slowly and stared at the boy in front of him. He had glasses and seemed to be the only boy in the entire school wearing correct uniform.

"Uh..yeah" Virgil blushed, why was he blushing?!

The boy smiled and stuck his hand out, "I am Logan, it's nice to have a new member, I hope we can become friends" Virgil shook his hand with a shy smile, mumbling how he'd want to become friends with him also.

Leaving him be Logan went to his friends while Virgil turned to Patton, "you didn't tell me you had cute members!" He angrily whispered/yelled. Patton only giggled and dragged Virgil over to his friends.

For the rest of the fifteen minutes Virgil kept to himself, saying hi to a few people who greeted him. If he wasn't looking at Patton when Patton talked to him he was staring at the boy - Logan, he had a weird fascination towards him for some reason, they had only just met.

Sighing quietly Virgil thought that joining the choir might not be so bad if Logan was here - and Patton, of course.


Virgil dashed down the corridor, coming to a stop outside of the choir members room, he pushed open the door and basically fell into the room, slamming the door behind him. His chest was heaving and he sprinted to the other side of the room, hiding under a table and behind a few random instruments.

"Virgil? What's wrong?" Patton asked in concern but when the door slammed open everyone in the room averted their eyes to see the three main bullies of the school, all of them looked pissed.

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