Love Potion - Logan x Patton

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Logan decided that he wanted to do something for Patton, his boyfriend. Recently Patton has showered him with love and Logan wanted to do something back.

He decided to make cookies and headed into the kitchen where he saw Roman.

"Greetings, nerd!" Roman smiled, placing down a bottle on the counter. Logan didn't acknowledge it and grabbed the cooking book, flicking to the cookies.

"Am I not going to get a hello the best Prince of the land!" Roman asked, throwing his arms up and calling him the name he only sometimes calls himself.

"Salutations, Roman" Logan absentmindedly replied, landing on the cookies page. He started to get the ingredients and Roman sighed dramatically, leaving his bottle on the counter and left to go find Virgil.

Logan easily made the cookies, pouring in the ingredients into the bowl that was on the counter. He accidentally grabbed the bottle Roman had left behind, pouring it in while looking at the cook book.

Placing the bottle down he did a few more things, putting them in the oven and leaving them to cook. He didn't know that the bottle Roman had left behind was a love potion.

After they cooked Logan took them out and left them to cool. "I shall go get Patton" he smiled, walking to the door but he paused, the smell of the cookies over taking his nostrils.

"Maybe one won't hurt" he mumbled, grabbing a cookie. He ate it and smiled widely, heading off to find Patton. Halfway on his search he felt a little buzz then his heart warmed weirdly, Logan was confused but at that moment he didn't care.

All he wanted to do was find Patton to tell him how much he loved him.

Eventually Logan found the parental trait talking with Virgil, not even caring that Virgil would see him Logan wrapped his arms around Patton tightly.

"I love you" Logan stated before two other two could ask, "I love you so much" he carried on, kissing Patton softly. Patton smiled and held him back, knowing something was up. Logan wouldn't randomly do this, the only time he shows affection is when Patton shows him it first and he copies him. Which Patton finds adorable.

Virgil scrunched up his eyebrows, slightly weirded out. "Kay....bye, Dad" Virgil waved and left the two sides.

"Patton?" Logan asked, pulling his head away from Pattons shoulder. Patton could see the emotions in his eyes, love and confusion.

"Yeah, Lo?"

"I love you...I love you a lot, I love you laugh, your jokes, even if it is a little conceded for me to say I love your face..." Patton giggled and kissed him, brushing his nose against Logan's.

"Logan, what happened? Did Roman give you something?" Patton grinned, knowing Roman was making potions yesterday.

"Why does he matter? I love you!"

"I know you do, Lo, but...this isn't like you, I like you more when you are clueless to emotion 'cus I get to teach you something. Usually you're the smart one and I, when I teach you" Patton stated, this the first time he'd ever told him.

"Patton, you are smart, don't ever feel like you are not" Logan replied, staring directly into his brown eyes. Patton smiled and they shared a long hug, swaying side to side gently.

The potion slowly faded and Logan looked around, very confused. "I thought I was in the kitchen" he mumbled and Patton giggled, taking him back to the kitchen where he saw the cookies!

"Aw! Logan! Did you make these?" Patton asked, picking one up. Logan grabbed it from him and placed it down.

"No, these are bad" he clarified when he saw Pattons confused expression. 

"Oh" Patton frowned, he was excited to have cookies.

"But" Logan carried on, turning to face Patton. "We could make more, together" Patton agreed and the two made another batch, Patton not really doing much apart from flicking flour at Logan.

They were a mess by the end but the cookies tasted delicious.


Hey well look at dat

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