Shot - Roman x Virgil

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Trigger warning: getting shot, dying

Roman and Virgil were having the time of their lives, walking around the city even if it was nearing one am, holding hands, laughing and joking around. Roman had bought Virgil anything and everything he wanted from the shops that were still open, Virgils favourite thing was the silver necklace with a heart shaped locket - Cliche, but he loved it.

"Look at the stars!" Roman pointed up, Virgil smirked and stared up at space, watching the stars glisten and sparkle.

"They're nearly as gorgeous as you" Roman added, pecking his cheek. Virgil blushed and rolled his eyes at Romans cheesiness.

"You basically complimented yourself" Virgil murmured, leaning into his side. Roman chuckled, brushing Virgils hair to the side.

"When do I not?"

"Good point"

They both chuckled and turned a corner to come face to face with a crazed looking man holding a gun. They both widened their eyes and the man screamed, pointing the gun at Virgil, ready to shoot.

Roman took action and jumped in front of Virgil, taking the bullet and falling to the ground.

"No!" Virgil yelled, dashing down next to romans side and turning him over so he was on his back. The man who was holding a gun screamed again like he was insane and ran down the street the opposite way to the two sides.

Roman coughed and spluttered, gripping Virgils arm and smiling weakly up at him. Roman wouldn't know what he'd do with himself if Virgil got hurt.

Virgil began to cry and put pressure on the wound that was fortunately not next to any vital organs. "Roman? Roman!? Please! Please don't die" he cried, grabbing his phone and calling Thomas - he couldn't speak to the hospital over the phone in his state.

"Love, I'll be okay" Roman whispered, putting his hand over Virgils, the one over the wound. He breathed in and out slowly, keeping his eyes on Virgils face, it calmed him down.

"You better not die" Virgil whispered, tears running down his cheeks, fast.

Thomas finally answered, "THOMAS!" Virgil screamed, "Thomas! Roman has-has been sh-shot! I don- I don't know to do! Th-Thomas please help me!" He sobbed, Roman moved his other hand and caressed Virgils cheek, running his fingers through his hair every so often.

"What?" Thomas asked, confused. Roman had been Shot? How? Why? By who?

"Roman. Has. Been. Shot!" Virgil managed without stuttering, gripping his phone tightly. Roman tried to calm him down the best he could and Thomas told him he'd be there in a minute and also phone the hospital.

It took a lot of struggle for the paramedics to get Virgil away, the sides and Thomas held him, telling him that Roman will be okay. They drove to the hospital behind the ambulance, Virgil still crying and Patton holding him tightly. They were all worried and Logan tried to ask Virgil where he had been shot.

"Her-e" he hiccuped, pointing to the right side of him, below his chest.

Logan sighed in relief, reassuring Virgil that if he doesn't die of blood loss he'd be fine.

They all waited in the waiting room for what felt like an eternity until a nurse came in.

"Are you all here for Roman Sanders?" The nurse asked, Virgil jumped up immediately and replied with a yes.

"Luckily he'll be fine, he might need to stay a few nights here but he will be fine" Virgil thanked her and she told him where Roman was, he sprinted down the corridor and burst into the room, ignoring the other doctors and rushing to Romans side.

The doctors left so they could be alone and as soon as they did Virgil glared at him.

"Why did you do that!?" He angrily said, tears already welling up in his eyes.

"What? Save you?" Roman smiled, his voice a little horse.

"Yes! You could've died, Roman!"

"And let you get hurt? Never" Roman replied, leaning up. He winced but kissed Virgil anyway.

"Ugh! I hate you" Virgil cried, holding his hand. Roman laid back down and chuckled.

"I love you to, my emo nightmare"

- Alternative Ending -

Roman jumped in front of Virgil, taking the bullet and falling to the ground.

"No!" Virgil screamed, dashing to his side and rolling him over so he was on his back.

Romans eyes were open, staring lifelessly at the dark sky. The man ran off down the street and Virgil began to cry. He shook Roman a bit, yelling at him to wake up but all Roman did was stare.

His chest wasn't moving and when Virgil put his face next to his mouth he couldn't feel any of his breath hitting his cheek. "No! No! NO!" He cried, shaking Roman and putting his hand on the wound, getting covered in blood.

The shot hit his heart, killing him instantly.

Virgil laid his head on his chest and sobbed, they wracked through his body, he couldn't bare the loss of the man he loved.

A few weeks passed, Roman had come back but it wasn't Virgils Roman, he was different, he didn't have the same memories as the others.

Patton softly knocked on Virgils door, walking in. "Kiddo?" He whispered, Patton is upset as well but not as much as Virgil.

"Leave me alone, Morality" Virgil replied in an angry tone, gripping his blanket tighter.

Patton frowned but obliged, closing the door behind him. Virgil had stopped crying a while ago, only because he ran out of tears. He blamed himself, obviously, he could've saved Roman if he pulled Roman back from the shot but he didn't react soon enough.

It killed him inside knowing it was completely his fault.

Awhile ago he turned on some music, more specifically Disney music. Of course all the sad ones had to play, which made Virgils heart hurt more and his throat feel restricted.

"Roman" Virgil whispered, his voice breaking. "Come back..."



Sorry I couldn't update, camping and this place has shit Internet.

Thanks for the request!

They gave options for two endings and cus I'm indecisive I did both

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They gave options for two endings and cus I'm indecisive I did both.

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