Emotional Powers - Roman x Virgil

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Virgil was really emotional one day, he stayed hidden away in his room, not wanting to bother the others. The one good thing about his emotional state is he has powers...magic powers.

While crying silently he held out his arm and watched purple and black smoke like wisps twist around his arm, he smiled slightly and let them float into the air and disappear.

He chuckled through his sobs and made things in his room float up, items from his desk, a few clothes screwed across the floor, a pillow he dropped, it looked awesome.

That was until the others decided to come in and check on him. Patton opened the door, "Hey kid-..." he paused when he saw all the things in the air, Virgil instantly dropped them, his eyes widening in shock. How had he not heard them before?

"Wh-what was that?" Patton stuttered, taking a small step back. Roman and Logan saw it also and Virgil sighed, cleaning his eyes and cheeks, he was going to have to tell them, wasn't he?

He got up and shuffled to the door, "umm..yeah, you saw that right. I have magic powers" he shrugged, scratching the back of his neck.

He glanced at them all to see shock written all over their faces. "But I can only use them when I'm emotional...sucks but..it's pretty cool" he shrugged again, waiting in anticipation for their reaction.

"You have magic powers...and you didn't tell us!?" Roman exclaimed, standing in front of Patton and Logan.

"Yeah well I-I didn't know-" he started, fiddling with his sleeve.

"Magic powers are the coolest thing ever! Show me again? Please?" Roman asked, biting his lip. Virgil slowly nodded and glanced around, picking up the items that were on the floor and placing them where they should be.

"You're like a...you're like Mary Poppins!" Roman leaned in close, "but in my opinion you are way more adorable" he whispered, making Virgil blush and swat his arm.

"You said you could only use them while being in an emotional state?" Logan finally spoke up, entering his room.

"Yeah...I can't use them now" Virgil shrugged.

"Oh, I'm sorry if we ruined the moment, kiddo!" Patton then said, giving him a quick hug.

"Nah, S'fine, I'm kinda glad you walked in...I wouldn't of told you guys otherwise" He chuckled lightly, glancing around his room again awkwardly.

"Well, next time your emotional just put a sign up on your door and we will leave you to your...magic" Roman smiled, pecking his cheek.

"Really?...thanks" the corner of his mouth lifted and Roman smiled back, "Aw! You. Two. Are. Adorable!" Patton cooed, slapping Logan's arm and asking him if he thought the same.

Roman chuckled and pressed a kiss to Virgils lips, smiling widely. "You are now officially my Disney princess, with powers and everything"

Virgil fake pouted and crossed his arms, turning the other way. "I'm not a princess" he mumbled, Roman leaned in close so only he could hear.

"Whatever you say, princess"


Thanks for the request!

Look at me getting up early to do requests

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Look at me getting up early to do requests

(I woke up at six am, can say it was not worth it)

(Kidding it was worth it, also I wake up at six every morning)

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