A Note & A Heart - Virgil x Roman

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Virgil hummed quietly to his music, making his way down the hallway to his room. He hasn't seen Roman all day and Virgil actually felt...worried about the fanciful side. The worried-ness was amplified a bit because of the crush Virgil had on him.

He was about to walk into his room when he saw a note on his door, he plucked it down and read it.

Dead Wednesday Addams,

Roman, Virgil thought immediately.

I have a problem, it seems as though my heart has gone missing, could you find it? I think once piece is by Logan's room

Xoxo - Roman

Virgil read the note a few times, heart has gone missing? Oh, is this some type of game? Sighing he decided to play along and he headed to Logan's room, stuffing the note into his pocket.

Stuck to the wall next to his door was what looked to be a bit of a heart, Virgil rolled his eyes and gently took it into his hands, keeping the sellotape on the heart to stick it to the other parts.

He looked around for a note, it took him a few minutes but he found it, halfway slid under Logan's door.

Wow you are actually doing this? Okay! Next go to my favourite place!

Favourite place...Virgil pondered that for a few minutes, Roman had a favourite place? As if a lightbulb clicked in Virgils mind he headed to Romans room, his favourite place would, obviously, be in front of his full body mirror.

He was correct, a part of the heart was on the corner of the mirror. He held it in his hands and joined it with the other part, making the bottom half of a heart. He saw the note stuck to the other corner so he took it down and read it.

Brilliant! You little Einstein, next head to the room which is owned by someone who loves everything!

Patton, Virgil smiled a bit as he jogged to Pattons room. This was actually quite fun, he also wondered why Roman was doing this. He saw the heart on the door and pulled it off, attaching it to the heart. One more piece.

That one was quite obvious but thankfully you worked it out! Finally go back to my room!

Virgil sighed and headed back, even if this was fun he'd prefer if all the heart pieces were closer to each other. Finally making it to his room he saw another note and the final part stuck to his door. It wasn't there before so he must've done it when Virgil was at Pattons room.

He stuck the final piece to the heart and smiled, taking down the note he read it and as he did his eyes slowly widened.

You finished! Now look into your hand, you hold my heart. You've been holding it for awhile before this, and I'm giving you a choice. Crush it or protect it.

If you decided to crush it leave the crumpled heart on the floor and leave, if you protect it knock on my door...

Virgil looked up at the door. Does this mean he likes...me? Virgil thought, looking at the heart. He pocketed the note and hesitantly knocked on Romans door.

Roman opened it and smiled, biting his lip. Virgil smiled back, "so you like me?" He asked

"Of course, you still hold my heart and you will hold it forever, even if that paper one isn't in your hand all the time" Roman replied.

Virgil looked down at the heart and blushed lightly, "I like you too" He mumbled, making Roman light up with hope.

"I'm glad, you would not understand how nervous I was!"

Virgil rolled his eyes, "you didn't have to do...this"

"It's a grand gesture of my romantic feelings! Of course I had to do it!"

"You dork"

"I can be anything as long as I'm yours"

"You sappy dork"

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