Fade Away - Virgil x Roman

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Trigger warning: Suicidal thoughts

I wanna be like you, I wanna say that I can, I wanna be the person that you think I am. But even if I had it all come true like a dream, is the person I came to be the really real me?

Virgil wanted to be like the others, he wanted to be as happy and helpful as the others are but he knew he couldn't, he couldn't keep up the façade, he couldn't be enthusiastic all the time, nor could he act like he knew what was happening all the time, nor could he think of new helpful ideas for Thomas. It wasn't him.

So young and simple, wishing like things would come true, now as I am, I understand it's best I die and soon.

Virgil had grown up, the crushing weight of reality weighing him down. He would wish on every shooting star, every birthday cake candles, it would never work. Sometimes he thinks fading away is the only option he has left.

Just by living I'm hurting them another day. Hundreds cry, all I do is ruin everything. Nobody wanted me, no one there to need. If only I could live in that kind of world I dreamed.

Virgil knew that everyday all he did was make mistakes, they didn't want him there, they didn't want him apart of the system, they didn't need him. He wanted to be the good guy, the good guy he was in his dreams, but he knew it would never happen.

Just by leaving I'm helping them another day. Hundreds smile, all they do is laugh at everything. Nobody there to scream, no more being mean but see, things like that would never happen for me.

Virgil would sometimes not show up at all, he could hear them work things out together, without him, and come to an agreement they would never have done with him there. They would joke, smile and laugh, with him they would insult, frown and cry.

Day after day I found my way, sleepwalking through. Like this I'll fade without a trace, it's for the best I do.

Virgil had made it a daily thing that he would stay in his room, hidden from the real world and only come out at night, when everyone else is asleep. No one notices he's gone, no one ever checks up on him, but it's for the best. No one would care if he faded away.

Just by living I'm nothing for another day. Hundred lives, never knowing me or anything. Nobody wanted me, no one there to need. Why would I wanna live in the kind of world I see?

Virgil slowly stopped doing things that correlates to keeping him healthy, he stopped leaving his room completely, rotting away everyday. No one asked why he never showed up in videos anymore, they were better without him. He didn't want to live anymore, not in this world.

Just by leaving I'm no one for another day. Hundred lives, never changing them or anything. Nobody there to scream, no more being mean to me. Then could I have it all back in one piece?

Virgil knew fading away wouldn't affect anyone, the others would help Thomas in more ways then he could ever do. On the rare occasion he did leave his room, no one acknowledged his presence but that's good, right? That means no one could be mean to him, but the worst type of insult is ignoring you completely.

In the end, we'll fall to the ground again. Over and over and never get up. In the end, the person they made in me, breaking and breaking and never pick up. In the end, we're leaving it all again. Over and over and never wake up.

Virgil had reached his breaking point, he kept falling and falling, never trying to get up, in the beginning the others tried to change him, never appreciating him for who he was, but now? They've given up, and he lays in his room, wishing to never wake up.

Just by living I'm bringing you another day. Why, just for me, can you smile after everything?

Virgil left his room one last time, he wanted to make sure the others wouldn't notice or care if he left, but it was pointless, all he was doing was hurting himself more, knowing that they wouldn't even ask if he was okay. He almost left when something stopped him, something that lit up the dark abyss he was trapped in, something that he wanted to see for weeks on end. A smile.

In the end, the smile you gave to me, right when I wanted to give it all up, and I really do wish that I didn't. And all of the moments I tried just to die and said goodbye.

Virgil warmed, he didn't think the others would understand how a smile could change him as much as it did, all the times he wanted to end it all, the times he wanted to fade way and just say goodbye seemed to vanish all from one simple smile.

Just by leaving I'm no one for another day, hundred lives never changing them or anything. Somebody here to scream, somebody here is stopping me. Why can't I laugh it off the way that I'd dreamed?

Virgil was saved, saved by the man who nearly killed him. He knows he won't affect any lives, he knows no one would care if he came back, but he does know he is wanted, is needed in order to keep Thomas alive. He knows he wants him here, he knows that he doesn't want him to leave, he wants him to stay to be able to argue over silly things and cuddle during the night.

Virgil knows he won't be able to brush everything that happened off with a laugh, he knows that it'll take awhile, but he was happy, he was cared for, and that's all he needs.


Hii so, I did it! And I liked it! (='∀`)('∀`=)

Sorru it took so long, parents were being annoying, but thank you for the request!

Sorru it took so long, parents were being annoying, but thank you for the request!

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I like the song as well!

If anyone has a request comment it

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