Cuddly Bunch - Logan x Thomas x Virgil

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"Thomas?" Thomas heard Virgils voice coming into the room. He looked up from his phone and smiled, "yeah?"

"I don't wanna be alone" he mumbled, sitting next to him and cuddling up to his side. Virgil was usually more cuddly when he was tired.

Thomas wrapped an arm around him, "You can stay with me for as long as you need" Thomas smiled, Virgil smiled tiredly and closed his eyes, cuddling into him further. Thomas used his other hand to carry on using his phone when Logan walked in.

He looked at the two, nervously fidgeting with his tie. "Hey Logan, what's up?"

Logan didn't reply, he was deep in thought wondering whether or not he should tell the two why he was here. He didn't know how to express affection and emotions well, he might mess it up and embarrass himself.

"Logan?" Thomas asked, snapping Logan from his thoughts.

"Oh, good evening, Thomas and Virgil"

"HmmmMmm" Virgil replied.

"Do you need anything?" Thomas questioned, sending him a smile.

Logan sighed, this was it.

"I actually wanted to be with you two, it sounds stupid I...well, we are all in a romantic relationship and I, you know, I want to um...cuddle with uh, with you. Unless, of course, you two are comfortable already I would not want to annoy you or anything. Um, this was stupid, I will leave you two alone-"

"Nerd, shut up before I drag you over here" Virgil mumbled, Logan closed his mouth but didn't move from his spot.

Virgil groaned and got up, grabbing his arm and hauling him over to a giggling Thomas. Sitting back where he sat before Virgil pulled Logan on top of the two, he fell onto Thomas's lap and his legs went on Virgils.

" cuddle" Virgil closed his eyes again, wrapping one arm around Thomas and the other around Logan. Logan awkwardly shuffled a bit to get more comfortable, Thomas holding him close with a warm smile.

"You can cuddle me or Virgil whenever you want, Logan" Thomas whispered, kissing his cheek.

"I apologise, I am a bit awkward with this kind of thing..." Logan trailed off, resting his head on Thomas's shoulder unconsciously.

"Don't worry about it, we still love you, don't we Virgil?"


"Thank you, I return your feelings"

Thomas chuckled and they all feel asleep on each other.

When Patton found them he...isn't it obvious by now? He screamed.

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