Teaching 2 - Patton x Logan

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Ever since Logan's first lesson in the arts of showing affection, as Patton likes to call it, he has been much more affectionate. Albeit hesitant, but much more then what he used to be.

He walked into the living room and sat beside Patton, instantly wrapping an arm around his shoulders and leaning into him. Patton smiled and hugged him back.

"How about we do more lessons in the art of showing affection?" Patton grinned, moving and resting his head in Logan's lap, looking up at the logical side.


Patton sat up on his lap and grinned, wrapping his arms around his neck. Logan remembered what he was told and wrapped his arms around Pattons waist.

"Aw! You remember" Patton kissed his nose.

"Lesson four: pet names!"

"Pet names?..are we getting a pet?"

"No" Patton giggled, "I call you Logy bear, it's a pet name! So is babe, baby, princess, cookie, darling, love, dearest" Patton listed.

Logan hummed, "I like love, it's short, simple, and a reminder that I love you"

"You are becoming more sappy each day and I love it!" Patton exclaimed. "Thank you" Logan paused, "....Love"

"Aww!" Patton kissed his nose again and shuffled closer.

"Fifth lesson: Sleeping together!"

"Will we be sleeping in the same bed?" Logan inquired, liking the idea.

"Yeah! Not all the time, especially if it's a particularly hot night" Patton grinned, "But when we do you can cuddle me as much as you want! Don't be afraid, okay? I'll still love you even if you might cuddle me to hard" Patton reassured him.

"I can be your teddy!" He added, happiness shining in his eyes. Logan smiled softly.

"Also if I or you have a nightmare promise to always come to each other? Nightmares can be scary! I don't want you to be scared" Patton said even though Logan doesn't get scared from nightmares, but Patton does so Logan looped his pinky around his and bobbed it up and down slightly.

"Pinky promise?" Patton asked.

"Pinky promise" Logan confirmed.

"Yay! And lesson six:...I'm happy and proud, and I love you"

"That is a lesson?"

Patton shook his head, leaning in and kissing him softly.

"No, I'm just happy, proud, and I love you, Logy bear"

"Patton...that is very sweet. I adore you too, love"


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He's so cute

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He's so cute



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