Mornings - Patton x Virgil

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Morning One:

Virgil was the first to wake up, he rolled over and smiled when he saw his arm trapped underneath Patton who was sprawled across his half of the bed, his head was facing Virgil so Virgil could clearly see the drool slipping out of his mouth. 

He. Looked. Adorable.

Rolling over he brought Patton closer to him, smiling slightly. "Patton?" He whispered softly, "Paaatton?" He whispered again. "I love you" he smiled, hugging himself closer to Patton.

"I know I'm super anxious n'stuff, it might seem like I don't love you but I do...I just don't want to mess up" he whispered quietly, resting his head just under Pattons chin.

"You look adorable, not just now but everyday...we should have cookies for breakfast, I'd bet you'd like it" Virgil chuckled. He tensed when he felt Pattons arms wrap around him and a kiss press to his forehead.

"You will never mess up" Patton whispered. Virgils heart warmed and he hid his smile, cuddling closer to Patton.

Morning two:

This morning Patton was first to awake, it wasn't surprising as Virgil had stayed up late.

Patton grinned, already knowing the best way to wake up his boyfriend. Tickling him, of course!

He slowly rested his hands on his sides, the most ticklish part on Virgils body. He grinned and began to tickle him, Virgil slowly waking up.

"Bam-" he mumbled groggily and began to flinch and laugh. "Bambi!" He tried to push Patton away but wasn't successful, Patton began to laugh with him and Virgil kept trying to push his lover away.

"Bambi I swear-!" Virgil let out a high pitched laugh and Patton stopped tickling him, laughing and rolling to the other side of the bed.

Virgil laid still, panting slightly.

"Please don't hurt me!" Patton giggled, hiding under the covers. Virgil rolled his eyes fondly.

Morning three:

Patton woke up first again and he grinned instantly when he realised Virgil was still asleep. He brought him closer and kissed his nose, then he kissed his forehead, eyelids, cheeks, chin, jaw, and kept that on repeat until Virgil began to stir.

"What're you doing?" Virgil mumbled sleepily, Patton grinned and pressed one final kiss to his lips.

"Kissing you"


"Why not?"

"I probably smell" Virgil shrugged, cuddling into Patton. "Don't leave yet, Bambi" he mumbled.

"I won't, Angel" Patton smiled, kissing his head.

Morning four:

This morning both sides were awake at the same time, they were both holding hands while staring at the ceiling which had interesting patterns, enjoying each others peaceful company. They had stayed like that for a few hours, somehow time escaped the two.

Morning five:

Virgil rolled out of bed and stretched his arms, rubbing his eyes and groaning quietly. He looked around the room and his eyes landed on Patton who walked in wearing boxers but they were hidden by a oversize t-shirt.

Virgil smiled a small smile and Patton blushed lightly. Sitting on Virgils lap they hugged, "how do we both look the same but I look horrible and you look adorable?"

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