Can't Find You - Logan x Patton

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"Have you seen Patton anywhere?" Logan asked Virgil and Roman who were lazily lounging on the couch.

"No" Virgil mumbled a reply, letting his eyelids fall shut.

"I think he's in his room" Roman yawned, Logan thanked them and left to go find his lover.

A few minutes passed and Patton walked in, smiling. "Hey kiddos! Aw, you're tired! That's adorable..." he smiled, "anyway have you seen Logy bear anywhere?"

"I sent him to your room" Roman mumbled, barely audible.


"He for something"

"Oh, well thank you Roman!" Patton grinned and dashed off to his room. Roman looked up at Virgil who was on the other half of the couch, he smiled at how cute he looked. It wasn't often he was able to see Virgil asleep.

Logan walked back into the room, glancing around. "I did not find him, do you know where else he may possibly be?"

"He just came in" Roman replied, stretching his arms. "I sent that ball of happiness to your room-wait" Roman looked confused, Logan didn't have time to waste so he went off to his room.

"You meant Pattons room, moron" Virgil mumbled, half into his pillow.

Roman grinned and got up, laying next to Virgil and loosely wrapping one arm around him. Virgil, in his sleepy state, cuddled up close and sighed in content, resting his forehead against his chest.

A little while later Patton walked in, "I didn't find him! Did he come in here at all!" He asked, waking Roman up.

"Hmm.whha?" Roman tried to keep his eyes open but no luck. "Roman! Where is he?"

" room...?"

"Thank you!" Patton sprinted to Romans room and Roman became slightly confused but it didn't matter as he fell straight asleep.

Again, Logan walked in, scanning the room. "Roman, he was not there, are you lying to me?" 

Roman was still asleep and Logan groaned, walking over to him and pushing his shoulder.

"Oh....Prince..." he mumbled in his sleep, slowly waking up.

"Wh...oh, hi" Roman looked up at Logan, "Patton?" Logan asked and Roman sighed, trying to remember where he sent the trait.

"Virgils room, def-" he yawned loudly, "-initely Virgils room" Logan nodded, thanking him once more before disappearing. Before Roman could even go back into the same position Patton appeared, looking worried.

"He wasn't there Roman!"

"Oh...gosh, hello Patton" Roman mumbled, the loud voice of Patton waking him up.

"Where is he!?"

"T..uh, mmmm.." Roman was half asleep and Patton took that mess of letters and hums and turned it into Thomas, Thomas!

"He's with Thomas? Thank yoooou!" Patton kissed his forehead and vanished to the real world.

Virgil was awake through all of it as he could not fall asleep, he shook his head and sighed.

Roman tightened his grip which made him smile a bit, he put his hand on Romans arm and looked up to see him fast asleep, so asleep that he looked dead.

Logan appeared behind him and Virgil grabbed his arm, Logan looked at him confused. "Virgil-?"

"Wait 'ere" he tiredly said, Logan nodded slowly, still confused. He waited a few minutes until Patton appeared beside him.

"Thomas said he hasn't seen him all day! What if he's hurt? He might be lost somewhere! No! I want to see him again!" Patton worried, not even noticing Logan standing there, watching him. Virgil smirked and let go of his arm, bringing it back under the blanket that appeared when Roman laid next to him.

"I love him, and I never got to tell him.." Patton frowned, casting his eyes down.

Logan froze, his eyes widening as Pattons words processed through his mind. He had been wanting to tell Patton he loved him, that's why he went in search for his boyfriend.

"I love you too, Patton" Logan said which made Patton jump and nearly fall over.

"LOGY BEAR!" He yelled, wrapping his arms around him like a vice.

"YOU'RE SAFE! AWWW! I LOVE YOU TOO!" He yelled, Logan slowly moved his arms around his torso and smiled a bit.

"Can you both shut up?" Roman and Virgil asked at the same time. Patton giggled and dragged Logan away to his room, "I have been trying to find you, to tell you...that I love you" Logan smiled, every time he said it a smile would always force its way onto his lips.

Patton grinned and fell onto his bed, dragging Logan down with him and cuddling him so tightly Logan thought he wouldn't be able to breath.

"I was doing the same thing! Aw..." Patton leaned up and kissed his nose, giggling and grinning when he scrunched it up slightly.

"Well...again, I love you"

"I love you more, Logy bear!"

"I am sorry, Patton" Logan frowned and Patton looked confused.

"But that is impossible"



I should be getting ready for school but I'm not and after this I'm going back to sleep


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