Jealous - Roman x Virgil

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"Roman!" Virgil yelled, marching to his room.

"Roman!" He yelled again. Roman opened his door and leaned on the doorway, raising his eyebrow.

"What is it now, negative Nancy?"

"Logan and Patton are going on a date"

"Is this new to you?"

"No! I'm jealous!"

Roman snorted, "what? Do you like one of them!"

"What? Ew no, I just - I'm jealous" he shrugged, crossing his arms. "Help me sabotage it?" He added. Roman was taken back, he didn't think Virgil would ever do something like that.

But he could've meant it in a prank-way, so he agreed.

"Do you know what the date is?" Roman asked, sitting opposite Virgil in his room.

Virgil slumped on the white chair and shrugged, "Logan said he would take his "love" to the memories room. Apparently Dad felt sentimental today" Virgil grumbled.

Roman stared at him with a smirk and Virgil glared at him, "what?"

"You're jealous because he's your Dad, aren't you?" Roman smirked wider when Virgil spluttered and blushed, Roman leaned forward. "You think Patton will pay more attention to Logan than you"


"Don't try and deny it, Dearest" It took a few seconds for Roman to realise what he said, blushing he looked the other way.

"Okay fine! Whatever...yeah, I'm jealous of that" Virgil muttered, ignoring the fact Roman called him dearest, thinking he was trying to be patronising.

"Isn't that adorable?"

"Shut up"

"Why would you try and sabotage your own Dads date?"

"I will cut you"

Roman held his hands up defensively and the two made a plan, they would follow Patton and Logan to the memories room and try to play bad memories.

The time came, Roman and Virgil innocently sat in the living room, watching Logan and Patton be cute together.

"Are you ready to go, Love?"

"Yeah!" Patton giggled, holding Logan's hand. The two walked down the hallway.

Roman nodded his head at the door and made silent hand gestures, Virgil only stared at him with a deadpan expression.

"Dude, they can't hear us"

"Ugh! You always ruin the moment" Roman sighed, standing up.

"You always ruin my day" Virgil grumbled.

"Well its not my intention" Roman replied, they both stared at each other, blushed lightly and looked away, following after Patton and Logan.

"Where are we going, Logy Bear?" They heard Patton ask Logan, hiding behind a corner the two watched Patton and Logan stop outside of a white door.

"You have been feeling nostalgic recently, correct?"

"Yeah! Why?"

"I thought we could go through memories together"

"AWW! Logan!" Patton giggled, kissing his cheek. The two held hands and walked in, closing the door behind them.

Virgil scowled while Roman smiled at the cuteness, chuckling when he saw Virgils face.

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