Nightmare - Logan x Roman

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Logan jolted up from his bed, breathing heavy, chest heaving, sweating, eyes wide. He had woken up from his second nightmare, he got one yesterday and didn't think much of it but twice in a row? He never gets nightmares often.

He gripped his bedsheets and breathed in deeply, he wasn't scared per-say but a bit jumpy. Taking a gulp from the water next to his bed he laid back down and drifted back to sleep, he didn't have a nightmare for the rest of the night. 

He didn't mention it to anyone during the day, he didn't need to as nightmares don't faze him for long. He knows that all of it is just in his head, what's to be scared off?

That night he had the same occurrence, same for the next night and the next. Five nights in a row and it was wearing Logan out. Bags started to form under his eyes, he took naps more often and he didn't talk as much.

Logan became really worried when one day Patton asked him a seemingly simple question and he was to tired to tell Patton the answer.

Obviously the others noticed Logan's off state, asking if he was okay and stuff like that. Logan waved them off, it's only nightmares, they'll go away soon.

On the seventh night Logan had had enough, he had woken up from a nightmare which was particularly bad and didn't feel safe alone in his room. He sunk down and appeared in Romans room.

Why is he here? Logan thought, looking down at Roman who was sprawled in his bed, his hair somehow still perfect even if he was in bed. How does he do it.

Why Logan had come to Roman of all people was a mystery, Patton could've comforted him easily, and maybe he could've gotten advise from Virgil, it would be no surprise if he was still awake.

Yet, he was here, with Roman.



"Roman!" Logan said louder, Roman stirred and muttered a few things, yawing and stretching his arms. He opened his eyes slowly, eyes widening when he sees the figure but he calmed down once he noticed it was Logan.

"Logic? You disturbed my beauty sleep!"

"Like you need it"


"Nothing" Logan blushed lightly, why had he said that?

"Ugh, what do you need?"

"I've been...having nightmares recently and I was wondering if I could stay here tonight?" Logan inquired, fixing his glasses.

Roman opened his mouth slowly, "Logan...I would say yes but, you can't stay here for know what happens"

Logan sighed once he remembered that little issue, how had he forgotten that?

Roman watched with concern, Logan must be really tired if he can't remember simple facts like that. "But, I am a prince" Roman got up and walked to Logan, holding out his hand for him to take.

"We can share Thomas's couch, if you wish"

"Really? I-..thank you, Roman"

"No problem" They sunk down together and Roman grabbed a spare blanket, letting Logan lay down first. He placed the blanket on him and took of his glasses, setting them aside before he laid down next to Logan.

"This couch is insufferably small" Logan commented, fidgeting around. Roman smirked, wrapping his arms around Logan and pulling him onto his chest.

"There, more room"

Logan froze, not daring to move. Roman moved him on top of his chest!?

"Roman, why-"

"Shh, sleep"



Logan huffed irritated, laying his head down on Romans chest and unconsciously cuddling into it. His chest was actually pretty comfortable, Logan smiled when he felt Roman put his arms around him.

He didn't know why he smiled, stupid icky human emotions he doesn't need right now. But, it did feel nice so he relished in the feeling before his eyes couldn't stay open any longer and he dozed off into the best sleep he's had in a week.

The next morning Thomas sluggishly walked down the stairs and nearly screamed when he saw Logan and Roman cuddling on the couch. Romans arms wrapped tightly around Logan, and Logan's arms around his neck.

It was adorable, and he took a picture to show Patton and Virgil later.

The next few nights Roman had insisted on Logan sleeping on the couch with him, and every night he did, never once having a nightmare.

He must've felt too protected in Romans arms.

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